Session 133 - "The Sudden Siege of Crove Asylum - Part 2" Report in Lorrimor’s Legacy | World Anvil

Session 133 - "The Sudden Siege of Crove Asylum - Part 2"

General Summary

Moonday, 17 Gozran 4711 AR
The Siege Psychotic Continues!
The loonies chained around the table in the subterranean level of Crove Asylum pays the Fellowship no mind as they occupy themselves with singing, screaming, and hurling attacks at one another. The group take in their surroundings and find that the tile floor here is a deep green color, different than what was found upstairs, suggesting that it was probably brought in and added.   Drago and Unworthy Soul explore the hallways and find only about half the cells are occupied, however the inmates that are present are hopelessly insane. One believes that Drago is his own father, confessing to him that he has removed his own left eye while others took his kidney from his belly. Many others demonstrate pathologically obsessive behavior, paying no mind to the damage they do to their own body.  
The group returns to a set of two massive iron doors that is opposite of the party of lunatics. The Unworthy Soul opens them and immediately sees something that “tears at the fabric of his brain”. A bizarre octopus thing with clawed tentacles begins to assault him as well as two other inmates. The melee stirs up the revelers who begin to charge the group. Kyrrn places one of her pools of darkness before them and they quickly engulfed. Drago and Kelath also press the attack and are soon able to put down the fiends. The mind flaying creature is discovered to be a qlippoth, an evil outsider said to be of the first demons from the Abyss.   The laboratory within is a chamber of horrors. Two men lie motionless on tables here. Their skin has been dissected off of them in varying degrees revealing their inner workings, the heart of one plainly visible. Various surgical tools lay around and in them. The Fellowship feels pity and then rage at the realization that even though both men have been lobotomized, they are still very much alive. Due to the shocking similarity in which Kyrrn was discovered, Neferu keeps her away from the room until the victims have been mercifully dispatched and Kelath covers them from sight. Using his arcane sight, Kelath is able to see that there are multiple magical auras within the operating room, some of which include effects similar to Drago’s damphir abilities. The remains of the octopoid creature radiates an aura of enchantment.  
A single iron door off of this room leads to a small bedroom with a filthy mattress and a small wooden chest. Kyrrn sweeps her hand over the bed and announces that someone named “Zhezek” slept on it last. She is able to glean that he is of a dark dwelling race called the derro, insane humanoids with pale sickly blue skin, white bulging eyes, and only four fingers. Within the wooden chest is a collection of finger bones tied together with sinew as well as skulls with strange carved runes. Kyrrn does not recognize the runes as a language and Neferu and Kelath both agree that they are non-magical.   Returning to the area when the lunatics had been chained. a door to the north and south are discovered. Going south, the Soul discovers a long hallway with strange, fluctuating, multi-colored lights glowing from behind the doors here. Within the cells are four horribly disfigured men whose skin is pulsating the light. Their skin seems to be made of the light as it radiates from it not through it. As he watches, the Soul sees one of the men suddenly turn ash white and crumble into dust. The attention of the three remaining men is suddenly gained and they begin to squeeze between, to extrude themselves through the bars in their cell doors. However before they can be any more trouble, the group renders the men to dust.  
Further down the hallway it becomes damper still and there is the sound of dripping water. Past a rusted but reinforced iron door that has been spiked open is a worked short corridor leading to a natural cavern held up by rocky stone columns. Thick dark fungus covers the interior and there is a steeply slopped rock slide leading to the water. Drago enters after the Soul and before the meaning of the wet sliding tracks on the slide can be divined, he is attacked. This creatures is even furthered mind-blasting, its form a horrid mass of barbed tentacles, glaring eyes, and gnashing teeth. However this shape is only one of many as it seems to be twisting upon itself and shaping into new ones. When it moves, it appears to shift in space rather than to actually physically move from one location to the next. Drago is grievously wounded and is pulled back into the hallway by Kyrrn. Steeling themselves with grim determination, Kelath, Neferu, and Kyrrn push forward to engage the chaotic beast…
Report Date
27 Oct 2019
Primary Location
Related Characters
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