Enhance Ability Spell in Londolon | World Anvil

Enhance Ability

Enhance Ability

2nd-rank - Transmutation Priest Spell: Animals

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Components: V, S, M
Materials: A token from a beast (see below)
Auditory Sensory Effects: Moderate
Visual Sensory Effects: Medium
Olfactory Sensory Effects: None
Casting Perception Mod +5
Effect Perception Mod +5

Humming aura gathers in your hand and transfers to a creature when you touch it, bestowing upon it a magical enhancement. Choose one of the following effects; the target gains that effect until the spell ends.   Bear's Endurance. The glowing aura briefly takes the spectral form of a bear, then fades within one round. The target has Advantage on Constitution ability checks. It also gains 2d6 temporary hit points, which are lost when the spell ends. The material component for this spell is a bear pelt.   Bull's Strength. The glowing aura briefly takes the spectral form of a bull, then fades within one round. The target has Advantage on Strength Ability Checks, and his or her carrying capacity doubles. The material component for this spell is a bull horn.   Cat's Grace. The glowing aura briefly takes the spectral form of a cat, then fades within one round. The target has Advantage on Dexterity Ability Checks. It also doesn't take Damage from Falling 20 feet or less if it isn't Incapacitated. The material component for this spell is a cat claw.   Eagle's Splendor. The glowing aura briefly takes the spectral form of an eagle, then fades within one round. The target has Advantage on Charisma Ability Checks. The material component for this spell is an eagle feather.   Fox's Cunning. The glowing aura briefly takes the spectral form of a fox, then fades within one round. The target has Advantage on Intelligence Ability Checks. The material component for this spell is a fox pelt.   Owl's Wisdom. The glowing aura briefly takes the spectral form of an owl, then fades within one round. The target has Advantage on Wisdom Ability Checks. The material component for this spell is owl down.

At higher ranks: When you cast this spell as a spell of 3rd rank or higher, you can target one additional creature for each rank above 2nd.



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