Linibian States BT

4 Blazing, 2282 BB (K75R)

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Region Background

The Linibian States occupy about a third of the continent of Linibia and are some of the oldest continuously inhabited lands in the world. Original homeland to the halfling peoples, they are still home to more halflings than anywhere else. The Linibian States sent every able-bodied individual they had during the later stages of the War of Undying. They understood, as others, that if the elves were wiped out, there would be nothing to stop Lachendon. from enslaving all living things in the eternal twilight hell of undying unlife.

The Linibian states are organized as a loose coalition of many independent kingdoms, some as small as a single town, others covering a thousand towns, dozens of cities, and perhaps over two million inhabitants. While most are generally peaceful, there are so many that war is a constant presence somewhere among the states, and mercenaries are always in demand. This vast region of over a thousand kingdoms is filled with all manner of adventure, and attracts both heroes and villains alike. The lands of the Linibian States are as varied as the people. It is not uncommon to, for instance, travel from a small mountain kingdom where harsh winters and tall trees produce a nation of cheerful woodsmen, through a gentle land of commots and farms where dark evil fills the hearts of the people, to a large lake surrounded by no less than 20 single-city "kingdoms" all filled with fierce warriors who fight a constant series of minor wars over fishing grounds while defending against attacks from the dragon turtle living in the lake depths, all in the space of a single week on foot. Among the peoples of the Linibian States one will find the ever-present halflings, the ubiquitous humans, dwarves in the mountain regions, gnomes in the forests and hills, Firbolg of the forests, and Tritons in the seas near the coast. In very small numbers one might encounter a Kenku (cursed flightless descendants of birds), a Goliath (fierce stone-kin mountain people), a Tortle (nomadic turtle-like humanoids), or even an Aasimar. Like all places upon Lia'Neir'Aratha, the elves are long gone after the War of Undying. There are rumors of stranger creatures, and even Orcs or Goblinoids able to overcome the terrible instincts borne of their corrupted blood, but such things must be mere campfire tales. Tales and songs play a large role in the life of all Linibian peoples. No matter how different two kingdoms or regions might be, all throughout the Linibian States the great Loremasters, and the lesser singers, poets, storytellers, and traveling troupes are found and respected. There is little indeed that will unite even warring kingdoms like the stories, and admonitions, of a true Loremaster, and the mystical entertainers of Linibia are among the greatest still present in the world.