Larris Narrum Character in Linebound | World Anvil

Larris Narrum

The first underclimber.

"When I first came here, we were all from Burim and they demanded much from us. Now there are many people here who have never been to the big city, never seen the place to which all their hard work goes, and yet the city demands more than ever.   If they won't treat us with the respect we deserve and continue to shackle us with their needs, we will break our chains and join the free colonies."

Learning the Family Trade

From birth, Larris was surrounded by carpenters and their tools. Her family was known for wooden joints without nails made to the highest quality and often worked on important buildings in Burim City.

Building the Big Rock

Larris' carpentry skills opened up a path for her when the Burim Council decided to build a colony. She signed up and was on the first skyship to the land of big, strange, rocks.   She was in charge of building the skyport. During the construction process, Larris fell off a support beam. Fortunately, all of the workers are tethered just in case an accident occurs so instead of plummeting into the Floor she swung under the island. She hit the bottom of the island crushing some of the plants that grow there and discovering a sweet source of food in the process.   The experience led her to climb underneath the island in search of these fruits becoming the first underclimber. The fruits became an important part of the colonists diet as Burim demanded more and more of their fish harvest.

Voice of the People

Larris has never officially been the representative of the people of Wrendat, that responsibility has always fallen on individuals appointed by the Burim Council and sent to the colony. Unofficially, she has often spoken for the people, loudly. She is responsible for the resignations of at least four representatives.   In the present she advocates for Wrendat to become an independent colony. The Council doesn't worry about dissenting voices, there will always be some, but in the case of Larris, people listen, and this frightens them.


Larris is just below average height but very strong - even now at almost seventy. Her hair turned gray in the last few years but was brown before that. It seems fitting to the people of Wrendat that her eyes are green in their land of gray when she climbs below the island where plants grow.   Her favourite outfit is a sleeveless shirt and a headwrap to help keep her hair out of her eyes. While she hasn't used it in many years, her climber's pack is a staple of her wardrobe and still displayed proudly in her home, despite its well-worn state.

Stub Article

This article is just a stub for now and will be expanded upon later.

Old Article

This article was written in the past and does not meet my current standards for any number of article quality, layout, or content.

In-Progress Article

This article is being worked on, perhaps not at this very moment, but it is being worked on.

A Living Legend

As the first underclimber she is a bit of a folk hero in the town. The people of Wrendat say that Larris could wield a saw before she could walk to which she laughs and reminds them it was a mallet.   Larris was born in the waning years of the Time of Rebuilding and was seventeen when she left Burim for the colony in 13EX. Now at almost seventy years old she has not ventured under the island for many years, instead giving advice - often harsh criticism with the best of intentions - to the local carpenters and spending her time making wooden toys for her grandchildren.   Despite her advanced age, she is still strong, though perhaps not as strong as the fear she can inspire in the other colonists would indicate. Her word may not be the law but when she speaks others listen and when she disagrees with decisions made by leadership, everyone does.

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Character Portrait image: Larris Narrum by Paul Norris with PortraitWorks


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