Tarunan Species in Life Under Four Suns | World Anvil


Small, furry creatures that can throw even a Vaorian Manka a hundred yards. And that's just the young ones. Never underestimate their strength, ferocity, or loyalty.
Peret Kahalu, Archivist at The Starboard Institute on Muna
  Natives of Tarun, the former governmental seat of the Mizar System . These compact, extremely powerful beings are known for their hunched over appearance, large, bat-like ears, and long prehensile snout. They have a lumbering movement, mostly using their strong arms to propel themselves across the ground. Their legs, while short, are extremly thick. Their four individually mobile toes are used for grasping or digging into the ground for security.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Native to the planet Tarun, with major colonies on Illimia, Mizar Altuni, and Mizar Dutera. Preference for temperate climates, but are hardy enough to live practically anywhere.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The species susceptibility to disease carrying ticks found in the Tarun grasslands left them with a shortened life span. Upon visits to the neighboring planet of Illimia, they found that the native Illimian Koketa was friendly, easily trained, and would feast on ticks. These small lizards can regularly be seen grasping onto the backs of the Tarunan and are treated like prized pets or even members of their family units.
This is a playable Species!
50 Alkaidian Cycles
Average Height
1.4 m
Average Weight
93 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Tarunan fur ranges from light tans to jet black, with occasional markings of lighter colors. Their skin, usually visible in the ears or on the hind feet, is usually a grey color, though rare members may have a red or orange coloring.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Life Under Four Suns by [user:PatheticBarrel]


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Jul 13, 2020 00:06 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

These sound weirdly cute. I enjoy the detail of the small lizards that ride on them and eat ticks. :D

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet