Raven Species in Life After Moonrise | World Anvil
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The front-line field agents of The Keepers. These are creatures exceedingly similar to their elven counterparts, but smaller. Where the elves stand as tall as 5' on average, the Ravens rarely break the 3' mark for even the tallest among them. They're tiny. This is their key advantage though. While a Dark Elf MAY go into field work, the Ravens are born for it. They can sweep into a location in their bird form, sneak around in their elf-form, steal or copy whatever they find, and escape. In many instances, they're able to shift to their bird form and be mistaken for a wild bird that's accidentally found a way in. In essence they are the perfect spies.   They aren't the perfect Keepers though. Where Dark Elves are studious and organized, the Ravens are considerably less so. They live fast and wilder lives compared to their fellow keepers. To an extent they seem to be dare devils at large. They're deeploy proud of their abilities to sneak around and move about undetected. The articles they acquire are less important than the fact that they have them.

Basic Information


The Ravens are nearly identical to their Dark Elf counterparts, but on a smaller scale. They have thinner and longer limbs in their elf form, long pointed ears, and fairly large eyes. They are however, less sensitive to light than the elves. They don't need to see in the darkest of caves. Most of their lives are spent in the world among humans. They are typically extremely athletic.   More interesting is their avian form. Although they are called Ravens, it's not quite an accurate term. They are typically 10-20% larger than the average Raven and typically have some sort of localization. Most are like the Common Ravens (Corvus corax), but others may be like the fan tailed raven (Corvus rhipidurus) or the brown necked raven (Corvus ruficollis). They have a wide range. This gives them some coloration and other evolutionary traits that better match their environments, warm climates, cold climates, and so on.   While in their avian forms, they retain their full intellect and memories. They are not like the Werewolves, relying on two souls for their form. Likewise, they do not depend on any specific body for their magic to shfit forms. At the same time, they don't have the natural, deep inner reservoirs of magic found in the wolves.   They have an impeccable sense of balance and location. Should a Raven ever become lost, there is probably no way to be found. They've proven able to navigate with precision in all corners of the world, and even into magical realms. Caves, tunnels, and bunkers have never posed a challenge to them.

Genetics and Reproduction

Despite their avian appearance, they are more mammalian. They are born alive.

Growth Rate & Stages

Life is considerably different for the Ravens than it is for Dark Elves. Where the elves spend centuries honing their craft, life is usually shorter for the Ravens. They're born and raised in a manner more like humans. They grow, develop, and go to school for their first 30 years or so of life. They don't face quite as complicated of a decision about their lives. Most every Raven will go into field work, though some decide to go off and live apart from other Keepers, a life of their own. They don't fit in well in the monotonous work of the Elves. This leads them instead to focus on what kind of field work they'll do. Or maybe they'll join a Raven Colony in the wilds. The choices typically have larger effects on them. It's nigh on impossible for a Raven who's left, to return.   In either case, a Raven will live their life in heavy activity until about the age of 64. Around this time, they begin to deteriorate quite rapidly. Their best days are behind them. Most are dead by 70, though their elders have reached the low 80s.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Ravens have remarkably minimalist dietary requirements. They survive on small rodents, insects, nuts, berries, and largely whatever they can find. They have no problem scavenging to survive, the same as wild ravens do.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Ravens have exceptional eyesight. They are able to read incredibly tiny details at exceptional distance, even in their elf form. Though this has some cost. They are slightly near sighted. They cannot focus well on anything closer than about four inches. Given their small size, this can make smaller objects a struggle to deal with. Many of them learn to handle tools and small equipment more by feel than by sight.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
67 Years
Average Height
Average Weight


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