Keeper Species in Life After Moonrise | World Anvil
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The keepers are mysterious, reclusive creatures. They are obsessed with the acquisition and preservation of knowledge. It is believed to be core to their nature. They don't need to be taught to keep records, they just do, in the same way that fish swim and birds fly. It is their essence. It cannot be removed or lost. There is no limit to the things they will archive. If it exists, a keeper wants a copy of it. This bit of thievery, stealing secrets in pursuit of knowing the world, has led them to a secretive existence. Most would not want their diaries or their secret plans anywhere beyond their own control.   This skill has made them a form of historian and archivist for the world. They are everywhere, always watching, recording, copying, and keeping. When the Library of Alexandria burned, they mourned for the humans' losses, while having a perfect copy of the library's contents in their own archives. At a higher level, they are a faction in their own right, The Keepers, with libraries operating around the world.   Their operations rely heavily on Daedalus's Labrynth to travel the world, sneak into even the most secure of bases, and return safely to their libraries. So far, they are the only known species able to handle sustained travel and exposure to the labrynth. They are the only species able to navigate it with 100% accuracy.   As a whole, they operate under a strict banner of neutrality. They refuse to help in military conquest, but will always offer aid to refugees. That said, their good nature has been abused in the past. They have been tricked into granting access to military knowledge. In exceedingly rare instances, they have recognized a threat to their very existence and offered begrudging help to an allie. Most notably, during World War 2, they provided inteligence and assisted in the capture of the Enigma Machine.   There are three species of Keeper, they are each distinct and cannot interbreed. The exact evolution of this is not known. They are collectively referred to as keepers, if only for their shared heritage and organization.
Genetic Descendants

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