The Exploration of the Emerald Spire Plot in Legends of Golarion | World Anvil

The Exploration of the Emerald Spire

Master Plot

Six miles northeast of Fort Inevitable lies one of the deepest and strangest dungeons to be found anywhere in the lands of the Inner Sea—the Emerald Spire. Like an iceberg, this weird structure shows only a small portion of itself above the surface; level upon level of hidden vaults and mysterious crypts lie buried deep below the ground.

  Few of the people living in Fort Inevitable or the surrounding lands have even the slightest inkling of the dungeon’s true extent, let alone its astounding age. Standing in a wide clearing within the Echo Wood, the Emerald Spire is the ruin of a large Azlanti tower that appears to be made of green glass harder than stone.

  The upper portions of the tower were destroyed long ago, leaving broken, halfmelted glass blocks lying jumbled around the tower’s perimeter and the ground nearby. The site is well known to locals from both Fort Inevitable and Thornkeep, and many travelers passing through the Crusader Road area make the trek into the forest to look on the ruins—from a safe distance.

  The Spire’s ruins are known to be infested with dangerous monsters, and the surroundings attract an unhealthy number of bandits, raiders, and hungry predators.

People are warned from traveling too close to the Emerald Spire. The glen that surrounds it is said to manifest dangerous creatures and more than one traveler has gone missing while detouring to witness the ancient structure.

Residents chancing to spend time near the Emerald Spire during a full moon have reported strange banks of mist traveling across the Spire Glen, the barren life-choked land surrounding the tower, and site of numerous horrifying tales.
Explored Levels as of Session #91  
  • Level 1 - The Tower Ruins
  • Level 2 - The Cellars
  • Level 3 - Lair of the Cultists Den of the Wraiths
  • Level 4 - Home of the Godbox
  • Level 5 - Portals of Water
  • Level 6 - Daddy Clockworks Den
  • Level 7 - Snake Nagasss
  • Level 8 - Ssssnake Maze
  • Level 9 - Mistress of Thorns and the Nephilim
  • Level 10 - Lava Level
  • Level 11 - Don't open Dead Inside
  • Level 12 - TBD
  • Level 13 - The Gardens of Delight
  • Level 14 - The Throne of Azlant

Articles under The Exploration of the Emerald Spire


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