Session #78 62 - "DON'T DEAD OPEN INSIDE" Report Report in Legends of Golarion | World Anvil

Session #78 62 - "DON'T DEAD OPEN INSIDE" Report

General Summary

The group starts out with opening the doors that are rumored to contain the corpse of Yarrix.
  When they move further into stone corridors they encounter some artificial guardians covered in moss, that kind of resembles some of Klarkosh's creations.

After dispatching of them and the moss-monsters covering them. They started to try and figure out the time loop traps in the side corridors that Fidgit accidentally got trapped while trying to flank the Moss covered guardians. Fidgit managed to escape by bending the time around him and rejoined the party. Otto almost got lost in time and space while trying to figure out the range and function of the traps, but he also managed to escape by utilizing his arcane powers.
  In the next room they encountered yet another trap that would counter their magic spells and abilities and return them transformed into a Fireball. The trap seems to be centered on the black flame burning in the center of the room. After entering the octagonal room, three shadow flame elementals are summoned into 3 of the 4 alcoves and starts chanting or something similar. But they don't attack so the group verily starts examining the rest of the room.
  While the group was examining the stand out features of the room statue and the one empty alcove. Gunnhild opened one of the bronze doors and inside was a smoke/fog filled room with weird lighting and walls that seems to bend in impossible angles.

Gunnhild noticed some movement in the fog and this is what she saw...

And then the session ended on these words..."Roll for initiative"
From Guards to Guardians of Golarion
Otto Jaeger
Level 11 Magus.
140 / 140
Dune Nightshade
Fijit Ml'Klanni
Report Date
14 Apr 2023
Primary Location


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