Winter Wolfherd Character in Launtrel | World Anvil

Winter Wolfherd


Winter Wolfherd is an acquired taste to be around. They can be blunt, sarcastic, and say pretty jarring things. Those close to them knows that they don't really mean what they say and just lacks the tact to formulate more polite responses. They constantly smell of oil, metal, smoke, or a combination of the scent. A little bit of "mad scientist", Winter loves throwing things together and seeing how it ends up working. Explosions are an afterthought to her inventing process. But, they do get things done and have come up with things that would blow the minds of people not working for The Atithe Center, and sometimes even those of who do. As Director of Development, Winter has a pretty hands off approach to leadership. They let the Artificers that work under do their thing, and allow them to use them as a sounding board of work-checker when necessary. 

  Locations: The Atithe Center
Pronouns: They/Them
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Race: Horned Ones 
Family Relations: Unknown

Winter Wolfherd is an acquired taste to be around. They can be blunt, sarcastic, and say pretty jarring things. Those close to them knows that they don't really mean what they say and just lacks the tact to formulate more polite responses. They constantly smell of oil, metal, smoke, or a combination of the scent. A little bit of "mad scientist", Winter loves throwing things together and seeing how it ends up working. Explosions are an afterthought to her inventing process. But, they do get things done and have come up with things that would blow the minds of people not working for The Atithe Center, and sometimes even those of who do. As Director of Development, Winter has a pretty hands off approach to leadership. They let the Artificers that work under do their thing, and allow them to use them as a sounding board of work-checker when necessary.

Character Location
Current Location
The Atithe Center
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