Technorganic Cabal Organization in Lands of Erdos | World Anvil
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Technorganic Cabal

This mysterious cult emerged in Aldarnor on 1739 AV. The Cabal seeks to enforce a shift in society which they call the Technorganic Ascension. To that end, they have managed to reawaken ancient battle Automatons from the Age of the Varn and have also created a new kind of threat: the vile Necromatons.   It is currently believed the Cabal was created by the descendants of Clan Darthrumm, a duergar clan that was once part of the Iron Empire. The Darthrumms had discovered ancient records of something described only as the 'Hades Protocol,' and had decided to use that to wrest control of empire. The person that primarily instigated this revolt--and their de facto leader--was actually not a duergar, but a stregoni izernlich named Tokmar Von Hader (who, upon assuming command, toon on the name Hades Khan). The revolt was put down by Shadokhan and his forces, who also allegedly killed Hades Khan.   Adventurers have managed to uncover that one of the leaders is Kybron, Despot of the current Clan Darthrumm. In records they have uncovered, they have discovered references to an individual referred to as the Supreme Intelligence. The prevailing theory is that this Supreme Intelligence is none other Hades Khan himself, who either survived his battle with Shadokhan, or the Duergar have managed to restore him to some capacity--perhaps utilizing alien technology proccured by their unlikely allies; the Clockwork Horrors.   The adventurers have also recoverd a pamphlet that descrives the thesis of the Cabal's intentions:
You have in your possession a pamphlet that serves as an invitation to a glorious new world.   We only want one thing for you: to make you better. To make the world better.   You need to open your eyes. You are a slave to the weakness of your flesh. Old age and illness will ravage your corporeal form. Biological instincts and primeval drives fray your reason. The body that you call a temple is an imperfect machine. Accept this truth, and you will be able to progress beyond your limitations. Understand that you are part of a greater whole, and we will show you how to build a better world.

A Societal Conundrum

With very few exceptions, sentient organisms group themselves into societies to thrive. And these societies can also be viewed as machines. For these machines to function effectively, they must rely on rules. This means that a proper society is a construct of Order. The individuality of a society’s constituent members, by definition breeds a certain degree of chaos. This chaos leads to creativity and invention, but also to disobedience. There will always be individuals who break the rules. This is a byproduct of the weakness of the flesh.   Hive-mind societies like the formians and the modrons, have eliminated this problem by expunging the individual. The cost is a significant decrease to the diversity so vital to creativity and progress. Indeed, hives are by nature unchanging. Societies composed by self-aware individuals instead rely on enforcers to keep the order in place, by using violence and the threat of violence as a deterrent to rule breaking. Unfortunately, this is not foolproof.   As stated, there will always be individuals who will break the rules. At worst, they will escape prosecution by the society’s enforcers. At best, they will be intercepted by the enforcers and be met with punitive measures involving one form of violence or another. This is not ideal.   These enforcers cannot preemptively prevent a crime committed in the first place, and using violence against a fellow member of society as punishment is wasteful.   So, how does one solve this conundrum? How does one ensure Order without expunging the individual? Technorganic Ascension   Our solution is a grand paradigm shift. First comes the realization that all creatures are machines. Flawed, weak machines, and in most cases constantly degrading towards an expiration date. But as machines, they can be upgraded.   The Technorganic Ascension we offer seeks not only to eliminate the weaknesses and shortcomings of the flesh, but also to unite disparate minds in harmony without eliminating individuality.   Thus upgraded, the units that compose this new society will be mentally interconnected. Exchange of both ideas and emotions will be instant and flawless. This empathic intelligence, coupled with bodies of superior construction and durability, will increase understanding between the individual units. Put simply, it will significantly reduce both disagreement and need, and thus reduce the desire to break the order of things. But it will not eliminate it.   Even is such a harmonious union, the presence of self-aware individuality will inadvertently create violators, however few they may be. Our Technorganic Ascension solves that as well.   An individual may still desire to break the rules. We will not prevent that desire for by doing so, we would infringe on the very principle of individuality and identity. But we can prevent that desire from manifesting into action.   Ascended individuals will be unable to physically break the law. For example: If someone decides to murder another person, their bodies will simply not obey. They will not be able to enact their will in a way that breaks the rules of society. Thus we will achieve a perfect, harmonious civilization composed of post-mortal citizens.   Unfortunately, this grand new society we want, will not be welcomed by everyone. Many will resist the validity of our claims, and the beauty of our desires. We aim to introduce an event that coalesces many disparate concepts into a singularity beyond which it is impossible for narrow minds to predict what comes next. And that scares them. They will fight us. In an ideal world, we would just invite everyone to willingly join our technorganic utopia. But, we exist in the first place because the world is not ideal. We only have one recourse: to enforce technorganic ascension on everyone. And destroy those we are unable to take into the fold. Sad, violent, even chaotic, but unfortunately the only way forward.   The exact method we are to achieve this is quantified in a grand plan. We call it: The Hades Protocol.   We will succeed. We will transform the world into a technorganic utopia. For the Machine is Eternal.

The Machine Is Eternal

Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Machine Skulls, The Upgraded, The Ascended, Technorganics
Predecessor Organization

Cover image: by Vass Detsikas


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