Souzar Empire Organization in Lanar | World Anvil
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Souzar Empire

The empire of Dwarves and Drow living together beneath the earth. They are friendly to their Elven and Halfling neighbors. The start of the empire was back thousands of years when all the people of the mountains were at war. Each claiming they were being repressed by the other. The war lasted for many years and when it finally came to a close a armistice was signed between the leaders of each group, but it was House Souzar that would lead. Why this was the case few know and is a guarded secret, to the best of the peoples knowledge the dwarves had been enslaved by the other mountain dwellers and gained their independence and for the sake of looking strong chose to have an empress.
Souzar Empire
Empress: Latur Bonegrip Former Leader: Shari Smeltmaster
Known Allies: The Anero Souzar Alliance
Geopolitical, Empire
Known Races: Dwarf, Drow, Gnome (Rock) Known Classes: Fighters, Rogues, Barbarians, Rangers

Non-Aggression pact, Trade Routes


These two nations see eye to eye on much and will do trade with them.

Peace, Friendly, Trade

Souzar will trade with Khosan for their desert goods.

At War

Souzar has a strong distrust with those who would defile the earth.

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