Khosan Dynasty Organization in Lanar | World Anvil
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Khosan Dynasty

The Khosan dynasty are nomadic people who specialize in living in harsh climates, they are often attacked by sea from the East. They are a large trade land and will trade with those who have what they seek.
Leader: Trouble (Tiefling Male) Former Leader: Clap
Known Allies: The Anero Souzar Alliance Known Races: All Known Classes: Fighters, Rangers, Rogues, Barbarians, Druids (Sand)

Peace, Friendly, Trade, Allies

Kacia will trade with Khosan for their desert goods. Kacia often explores the deserts of the Khosan Dynasty and has agreements on finders fees and discoveries.

Peace, Friendly, Trade

Souzar will trade with Khosan for their desert goods.

Peace, Friendly, Trade

Anero will trade with Khosan for their desert goods.

At War

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