Laminarum Rise of the Augury

Rise of the Augury

Military: War


The rise of the Augury would shape Laminarum until the modern era, where it still stands and acts as the authority over all of Trinen. The revolution against the Saltkrigere Empire would start small, instating new rulers into the government while assassinating anyone in the city that would disagree. Word would travel to Shellbay while Saint's Maar geared up with both Fjordstrond and Eldurgrund to topple the legendary Saltkrigere fleets and armies.   Saint's Maar eventually won, though Eldurgrund would ultimately fold, given their already shaky relations to both sides of the war. the Bailum Consilium was forced back into the borders of their native barony and the castle would eventually be captured, though many Saltkrigere and influential politicians managed to escape to the Snow Rock Isles. The war was a massive success, and allowed the Augury to grow.   Shellbay would see its owners shift to a moderate family that would support an equal empire as well as assist Saint's Maar with their own military. Relations would slowly begin mending over the years, allowing Shellbay to gain its status as a separatist state, with special exemptions to their religion, culture, and taxes. They would be allowed to maintain the Saltkrigere as well, given the organizations roots in history and culture.   Eldurgrund would continue with the status it had gained under the Saltkrigere Empire, with their military being suppressed. However, with time, they were allowed to once more use the title of Eldur Knight, but only 8 could hold the position at once.

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History of Laminarum