Laminarum Kaban Revolution in Goldwalk

Kaban Revolution in Goldwalk



The temporarily successful revolution in Goldwalk thrown by the enslaved Kaban.

After the forceful assimilation of Gullivegur into the Augury, the enslaved Kaban had hoped that their persecution would come to an end. Unfortunately, this was not the case. While the occasional slave may be sent abroad for a better life and potential citizenship, the majority ended up remaining in their binds. There was zero talk of legislation regarding the kaban after 5 years, and at that time emotions were boiling.   Among the slaves was a charismatic individual named Timinak, who had lived to the age of 390 and had grown to a height of 7 feet. He was renowned throughout the city, reportedly able to pull carriages like a horse and beat even the most heavily armored fighters. While slave fights were unpopular in Goldwalk, Timinak's owner was inclined to submit him into the pits against independent fighters. It was Timinak who would lead the revolution, utilizing the city's overexploitation of labor to his advantage.   Those who worked the drawbridges would keep them lowered as enslaved ship rowers made contact, hindering the movement of the guard throughout the city. Simultaneously, Timinak himself would be fighting at a festival for the nobility. When havoc broke loose, he would fight his way across the field and take the Gidofem hostage. The castle was successfully stormed and the Quai gardens at its core were surrounded, stopping any influx of troops from abroad.   The city was at the revolution's whims and it seemed that freedom was nigh, but all failed when the Gidofem took his own life, prompting the guard to infiltrate the building and disregarding all other hostages. It was only by a stroke of luck that Timinak managed to survive; following his three-week imprisonment, a buyer from abroad in Fjordstrond would purchase him for a high price. Timinak was freed upon his arrival in the foreign land, but would work as a laborer for the remainder of his days.

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