Laminarum Onothis, Eshiren take root in Silse

Onothis, Eshiren take root in Silse

Cultural event


The landing of Onothis, the Mountain and Eshiren, the Waterblight in the lands of Silse to provide assistance for the Elves.

While the Southern Elves were struggling to regain their sense of value with the removal of the Western Elf invasion and Eastern Elf support, they also feared toppling in the face of the plagues and famine on the land.   Onothis, with the domain of order and oath of ancients, took to the Southern Elves during their hardship. His arrival served as little more than assurance that the elves would be protected from their neighbors, allowing the kingdom to focus on more important activities. His presence nourished the mountains with resources and food, bringing the capital city to a strength that it hadn't seen since the era of Hadegi. While the creature was a gentle giant to the inhabitants, he proved to be a deadly guardian in the face of outsiders.   Eshiren (domain of nature and oath of redemption) would travel much of the continent's outskirts, bringing recovery to the port cities, protecting vessels, and calming the ongoing tidal waves that came through the Caripreet Sea. Contact with her was lost when she attempted to trek to the proximal bay in order to clean its corrupted waters.   Different elvish scholars began to question the origin of these creatures upon their arrival. Many claimed them to be constructs, while others said their sapience set them apart. Others correctly argued that no writings of the constructs were first-hand accounts, so discussions of their sapience were frivolous. Regardless, their assistance was largely met with good tidings, though Eshiren was attacked on several occasions by those that still had vengeance in their hearts for their people's complicated history with the gods.

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