Laminarum First Strand-Blood Expedition into the Marshes

First Strand-Blood Expedition into the Marshes



Abbot II's first exploration into the dense marshes outside of Drulluvatn's shores. Most of the 15 individuals accompanying her would die before returning to the shores.

After mere days of waiting in the new lands, restlessness grew amongst the crew. Abbot II grew impatient, with no new words from Chal Churdour and the prophecy still lingering, she decided it was time to delve into the marshes without further guidance. Given that one of the two exploring ships never returned, she presumed they likely crashed or perished. If they were to find what they needed, it would either be in this marsh or on the other side. With the bits of "sand" from the prophetic trees they had preserved dwindling, they set out to find their answers.   In the marsh, they found that it was almost impossible to avoid the water. Strange creatures lurked around their legs, dragging two individuals into the labyrinthian swamps before the crew swore off any aquatic contact. On land, large amphibious and reptilian creatures wailed warnings at the sight of them, scattering the pioneers out of fear and separating them for several nights. Those who tried to camp found themselves unable to light fires. Sleeping next to trees and taking shifts, Abbot's group of 4 was attacked in the night. A slippery-skinned, four-armed, and two-legged climbing creature descended from the trees. Described as slow, methodic, flexible, and acrobatic, it lowered itself onto the lap of a sleeper before snapping his neck and quickly dragging him away with the gait of a "sprinting ape." The encounters with the other groups, after reconvening, were similar. Apparently, the fleshy creatures hung the hollowed husks of bodies in vines. Some people were feasted upon by large, mucous-secreting snails. Of the fifteen, seven individuals survived and returned to the beaches, screaming in fear.

Related Location
Mot D'nir
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