Rojan Spellsmith Profession in Laminarum | World Anvil

Rojan Spellsmith

The rojan spellsmiths were a breed like no other, creating weapons and armor of unfathomable power. The J'barri that held this position were wielders of fire magic in the later years of the Dagur era. While wielders from the cities of Kala or Brillé were busy creating blazes of chaos, those from the city of Roja would use their skills to hone order through metal.   Unfortunately, the career is a thing of the past, as a series of tragedies and deception would cast fire magic in a poor light. While outsiders have often tried to pull strings in order to reinvigorate the trade, all attempts have failed. Unfortunately, those in power prefer the incredibly high prices on the old artifacts as a result of low supply.



In order to qualify for the occupation of rojan spellsmith, one was required to be both a wielder of the new fire magics, as well as a competent forgemaster. Other general qualifications for employment at the time would require the spellsmith to be of J'barri blood.

Career Progression

One would have to be selected by the pride leaders known as the Epiket in order to obtain the powers of fire magic. The particular ruler of Roja at the time was known as Can En, and he was notoriously conservative about who he would ordain with power. Those who started in this career were likely skilled artisans from the outer reaches of the city. Once you obtained recognition, it would be to the palaces with you. Those smiths were typically used for commodities such as weapon racks, tools, etc. When fire magic was finally discovered, those whose careers had reached their pinnacle could finally move up once more, resulting in constant vying for authority from Can En. Movement within the smithing career was hardly reliable, as most maintained their position in the artisan or trades districts without any hope of moving up to the status of spellsmith.

Payment & Reimbursement

The profession of spellsmith was a regal one, seeing those who performed the art reimbursed with a noble title, allowing them to live in one of the various coastal palaces, the right to purchase slaves, and a monthly allotment of 2500 brass tokens (along with the money they acquired through the profession).



The spellsmiths of Roja were primarily used to facilitate war and defense. While the pride leader, Can En, often sought peace, he understood the economic benefits of wartime. Further, a good defense was always valuable with the increasing chaos of Roja's sister nations.

Social Status

While a spellsmith was considered noble during their conception, spellsmiths in the modern era of Namiddag are sure to face hardship. The use of fire magic is taboo after The Mountainfold, making the profession and its fruits a thing of the past.


first forming after the Epiket Discovered Fire Magic, the profession of spellsmith was once an honorable trade, where the fire magic weapons could be found around every corner. Only forging their unique armaments out of brass, bronze, and copper due to resource limitations, the supernatural capabilities would make up for the poor metals on the battlefield. After The Mountainfold occurred and fire magic was all but outlawed, one can scarcely find a spellsmith or their weapons, as the trade is now considered taboo. As a result, J'barri fire magic weapons are a rare commodity and range from the price of a small ship to an entire fleet. While many have offered high prices and titles for the continuation of the trade, the J'barri value their history and culture in ways that money cannot buy.

All art generated by Smokingbat7906 in Midjourney*

The Mountainfold

The Mountainfold  occurred at the end of the Dagur era, wiping out the Yunbad people and their culture. The J'barri would survive the conflict, but not without grave changes to their way of life. The great waters of Brillé were poisoned by the collapse of the Udundst mountains. Both Kala and Roja would ban fire magic due to the destruction it wrought in their people's deception; as such, the J'barri way of life was forever changed.  

Theft and Piracy

Over the centuries, the remaining fire magic stocks would be stolen from the J'barri, primarily by humans. However, those that refused to abandon their ways at the hands of the government stole massive stocks of the forged armaments, forming the Ocean Pride. These pirates would go on to block any shipments they could in their incredible metal ships. Infighting was hardly the only threat to the prized bronze weapons, though. Humans had spent generations thieving any artifacts of cultural significance to the J'barri, mostly in the territory of modern day Eldurgrund. When the Eldur Knights eventually formed, they would learn the ways of fire magic themselves, but as prestige has fallen, they mostly use the enchanted weapons rather than spend any time training. This is likely due to the age old tradition of bestowing an Eldur Knight with one of these weapons as a right of passage.


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