Inner Walls of Lire Settlement in Laminarum | World Anvil

Inner Walls of Lire (Lee-ruh)

Lire is the middle wall of Brille, with its designated region being that between Lire and Kehfri (the innermost wall). This could be considered the middle class portion of Brille, which is smaller than the peasantry within Tirne and the undocumented groups outside Tirne. However, it has much more range.    Anyone in Lire has officially given up their coin and forsaken the usage of money, their prior citizenships, and religious ties. To enter Lire, some must undergo rigorous re education. Once inside, life becomes easier. It is difficult to become a glutton, as you have a limited number of resources delved out to you each day and must work to maintain citizenship. Not needing money comes with benefits, but Lire is no utopia. Guards constantly patrol the streets and hold every right over citizens. Private property is not permitted. Food, housing, and even the clothes on your back are owned by the government. Heirlooms are hard to maintain, because stringent records are kept of every item you own and must be returned to the government.    Housing is owned until death, and it can only be lent out under one name. If the intended user dies, the family must undergo a mountain of documents and trials to have the name shifted without it being taken and repurposed.


99% J'barri 100% documented citizens


Religious dictatorship


This region has many of the modern amenities anyone would expect. A metal wood furnace, canals, trash management, etc. As mentioned in the Brille section, most amenities are hundreds of years outdated, but present nonetheless.

Points of interest

Fighting Pits of Brille   Bronze statue of Firi, Grand Champion of the Fighting Pits   The "Propaganda Doors."   Farm vi Vekki (Farm which Jie Teka landed in)   J'bar propaganda doors (destroyed)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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