Casrea Settlement in Laeriss | World Anvil
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Casrea was the biggest and most prosperous city on all of Laeriss before the plague known as "The Creeping Shadow," unleashed by The shadow legion as a sacrifice to Shraenire, turned Casrea and the surrounding lands into a horrible undead wasteland, rightly called "The Wastelands." Now a lich who once was the devoted high priest of Vallusios and king of Casrea inhabits the massive keep at the center of the lost kingdom. The undead residents of the city roam all of Casrea and the area around it, attempting to take the souls of anybody nearby both for Shraenire, and to serve the dark hunger of the fallen priest. While the city is incredibly rich in gold, gems, magic items, knowledge, and long-lost technology, it is so dangerous that even the most daring treasure hunters rarely take it on. Though while now Casrea is known as "The Forgotten Fairytale," this is because that once it was known as "The Living Fairytale." Though while once this city was truly a fairytale kingdom of demigods and heroes, now it has been reduced to nothing more but a sad echo of the past.


Casrea used to be a city of pure wealth and luxury, where some of the greatest Demi-gods and beings of Laeriss lived within the highest status of society. Though many other people of all races resided too in the massive silver walls before The Creeping Shadow struck.


The government of Casrea was a prosperous democracy led by the great king of light Alusche, a deceased high priest of Vallusios and powerful Demi-god Aasimar. Aside from Alusche, the other high decision makers mostly consisted of other Demi-gods who were chose to occupy their positions by Alusche himself.


Before the plague hit, Casrea's huge walls and great defense towers kept all invaders away from the city. Many defense towers were built all across the land, increasing in density closer to the center of the city. Now all those defenses have fallen into disrepair, an example being the northern wall. When it finally collapsed after many years, over a million bodies were revealed on the other side, many of them too destroyed to become undead.

Industry & Trade

Casrea once relied on farming, gold mining, fishing, and manufacturing for its industry. While the gold mines are still fairly rich, the rivers have dried up, the soil is no longer able to sustain life, and everybody is dead.


During its golden age, Casrea was one of, if not the most, infra-structurally prosperous city on Laeriss. Its huge walls were made out of pure marble and iron, patterned with swirls of shining silver. Its sewers were highly advanced, magical horseless carriages ferried people around the city, colossal cathedrals, libraries, museums, observatories, and gardens filled in the expanse of buildings.


While the once great wealth of Casrea has mostly been ruined by time, great treasures still reside within the extremely dangerous metropolis. Few are crazy enough to actually try to plunder the ruin since undead roam every inch of the place; those who do attempt to find loot within the felled walls are usually killed with haste.

Guilds and Factions

Casrea once consisted of three guilds: the green guild, the gold guild, and the blue guild. The green guild was responsible for farming, trading, fishing, and housing. The blue guild was responsible for infrastructure, building, manufacturing, art, and entertainment. The gold guild was responsible for diplomacy, finances, religion, defense, and magic.


Casrea was once called "The Living Fairytale" for its incredible beauty and majesty. Its king was kind and noble, its government was in balance, its people worked without worry, knowing that they would be protected within the great walls of Casrea. It was established by many people who decided they wanted to build a great city within the once beautiful coastal Mediterranean biome of western Rena. While eventually the city became less focused on the church of Vallusios, it was what started it all. Casrea was essentially built off a group of Vallusians who wanted a place to call theirs, without having to worry about religious persecution from others. High priest Alusche was not quite a never-aging Demi-god back then but was close, and reached this status after many long battles fought to protect his land. Alusche was the king of Casrea for thousands of years all the way up until The shadow legion poisoned the land right in the center of his empire with The Creeping Shadow. The land built on the morals of Vallusios, a god completely opposed to all necrotic magic, quickly became completely overrun by undead nightmares. Alusche could only watch in horror as the plague performed through a ritual of epic magic involving hundreds of shadow legion members hiding within the city, broke through even his immortality. As Alusche fell from his devotion to Vallusios, he was transformed into a power-hungry, all consuming, vengeful, sorrowful lich hellbent on taking the souls of anybody entering The Wastelands, both as sacrifice to Shraenire, and as a worthless consolation for his endless hate.


While now Casrea has fallen into disrepair, becoming a muted ruin of despair, it was once something straight out of a fairy tale. The buildings were roofed with bright red tile, the doors were painted in all different vibrant colors, the roads were paved with rocks of many colors. The castle of Alusche was tall and proud, made out of gleaming stone brick protruding in towers which reached high into the sky. Every street and house had planter boxes and plazas filled with multicolored flowers. At this point barely any of what Alusche used to be has passed onto the present, the buildings are decrepit, collapsed, and covered with mold and rats. The once colorful city has faded to shades of brown and grey as undead trample long dead flowers.


Alternative Name(s)
The Forgotten Fairytale
0 Living Inhabitents (12,329,106 During its peak)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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