The Lost Viscount Myth in Laan | World Anvil
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The Lost Viscount


During the Fatoran ceding of power, the Fatoran nobility was asked to relinquish their sovereignty to The Mistress of Fatoris who would assume the role of the cities sole matron. During this time, the nobility were required to sign a treaty ensureing a peaceful transition.

All signatures were required, though one was not given. The ceding still took place, but the people began to murmur about the coming of The Lost Viscount. What their return might mean was unclear. Some who did not like the Mistress's rule believed that they would overthrow her and take control of Fatoris.

Historical Basis

This myth is based entirely on fact, though the power the Lost Viscount would have is likely entirely fictional. Census data from the Fatoran chamber of records shows that there were 23 members of Fatoran nobility at the time of the ceding, excluding those who relieved themselves of the position earlier.

A copy of the treaty, including signatures can be seen hanging above the door in the Fatoran city hall. Upon this document are only 22 signatures. therefore the was, in fact one such individual who did not sign.

This myth begins to take on a life of its own from that point, as the names of recorded nobility were lost at a similar time.


This myth is unique to the city of Fatoris. Few outside of its walls know or even care about the tale.

In Literature

The Myth of the last viscount has lead to many in the past trying to claim that they are, in fact, the one. Each of these individuals who have tried to claim the name have faced significant litigation from The MIstress herself.

This has lead to many Fatoran lawyers writing lengthy precedents based on these cases, where certain individuals have been given leniency due to certain actions surrounding their claims. However, the largest precedent set in relation to the myth was that, regardless of the signature, the majority of Fatoris' nobility believed that The Mistress would be the best candidate. From a legal point of view, the lost viscount technically still has power, as this law has not been erratad.
Date of First Recording
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