For thousands of years, slaves and the trading of slaves has been legal in the Empire of Kyrn, but twelve years ago when Empress Sorsasta Quiris took the throne she started making changes to the rules regarding slavery and the slave trade. One of the biggest made the profession of slaver illegal.
Slavers always operated on the fringes of society, but they were a profession that supported many of the needs of the nobility, and so they were tolerated as long as they stayed out of plain sight. The wealthy had a need for cheap labor, and cheap entertainment: serfs for their fields; servants for their houses; gladiators and concubines for their entertainment. Slavers were able to provide these at a horrible, but inexpensive cost.
Social Status
Slavers are considered an even lower status that bandits. Bandits just take you money. Slavers take your loved ones.
Provided Services
Slavers are able to provide a selection of slaves at various prices. Since their victims are usually a random assortment, the often do not have the ability to provide for specific requests.
Dangers & Hazards
Before the Imperial Order outlawing the profession, the greatest hazard was in not picking the right group to prey upon. Most slavers took their time to study a group or location to insure they would have little risk, and the most profit. It was rare for large communities to be attacked, but not unheard of. Most slavers looked for small villages with few trained warriors, or merchant caravans with not enough guards to protect them.
Over the past few years, with the profession being declared illegal, the demand from some of the wealthy has increased, and the prices paid have increased, making it a lucrative business for those with no morals, and no fear of the punichment.
Slavers are now prohibited in the Empire of Kyrn. Anyone caught engaged in slave taking commits a capital offense and may be executed. More often than not, Magistrates will sentence a convicted slaver to 20 or more years of indentured servitude so that they may see the other side of what they have done.