
For thousands of years, slaves and the trading of slaves had been legal in the Empire of Kyrn. Twelve years ago when Empress Sorsasta Quiris took the throne she started making changes to the laws regarding slavery and the slave trade. These rules are still being developed and there are many who resist the changes Her Imperial Highness has decreed, but change is happening.   She realized that she would not be able to eliminate slavery overnight, as it did not develop overnight but she did quickly move to immediately prevent the enslavement of any citizens of Kryn due to capture in war or raids. Citizens could still be enslaved as punishment for crimes and for revolt against the lawful authorities and non-citizens could be indentured if captured in war, but for no longer than five years, and their indenture could be bought for a reasonable price as decided by a magistrate.   The profession of slaver was abolished. No person had the right to take another person as a slave without a magistrate or a rightful lord or lady so ordering te enslavement. People who were slaves when Empress Sorsasta came to the throne were not immediately released, but rules dictating how they were to be treated, and how they could earn their freedom have been put in place.


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