Session I: Solitary Island in Kustaanos | World Anvil

Session I: Solitary Island

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The captain stood on the deck of the ship, two glistening cutlasses sheathed at his side and mutton chops and beard to make any dwarf jealous. Silverking stood amid his whole crew who cheered like madmen, watching a plank be lowered to the side of the boat, perfectly facing the barren Solitary Island in the distance. A human with a glowing glass eye, Silverking’s first mate, whispered something to him, and a single raise of his hand quieted the entire deck. With a smile, he shouted, “Well, I do think we’ve earned ourselves a little entertainment, aye? Empty the brig!” Those three words were echoed throughout the crew as below decks, prisoners were violently dragged to the top of the ship.

Walking the Plank

The first one hauled out into the sunlight turned out to be an emerald kobold, in nothing but shackles, and a plain shirt and pants. He was originally part of Silverking's crew, but he'd whined and bickered about his cuts for too long, and Silverking simply wanted rid of him. His name was Vox, but the captain always called him "Dragon Boy". He had a gut that would make any dwarf proud, but it didn't help him as his stuff — followed by him — were tossed overboard into the sea.   The next one out was a fair woman, the daughter of a tiefling and triton, fire and water. Her name was Corellia Emberfin, but the captain called her "Lil' Stowaway", because that was what she was in this moment. Coming from life in the Orve Nenar, she'd stowed away on a ship on her way to some place in particular. It was just unfortunate that the Silver Scourge was the one she chose. The captain poked and prodded at her with one of his cutlasses until she backdived off into the water.   After her was a small, but growing owlin. Silverking had a particular itch with this one, because he'd originally sailed with his younger brother, Captain Reaver, up north, and this owlin chose to pick a fight — a losing one at that. His name was Zephyrion Skyblade, but the captain always called him "Feathers". The crew, unsurprised, were still disappointed when Zephyrion simply flew away, barely managing to catch his tossed equipment as it was hucked into the water.   The last one out was a taller, thinner man, with a blue skin and a flat nose. He was a vedalken, the cousin race of the tritons, an arcane wizard with a dangerously curious mind. His name was Arves, but the captain always called him "Bookworm". He'd been caught on the ship in his attempt to steal an occult tome he'd heard was stowed among the captain's treasury, and the rest was history. Once he was overboard, no one left in the brig, Silverking ordered the ship turned about and it set sail for Darkwater, while these four victims swam (and flew) for Solitary Island. But, not before Silverking tossed a gatlock pistol overboard with a single shot inside it; an easy way out for one of them.  

Washing Ashore

The four of them had a brief time to address each other as they made it to the shore, one-by-one, and gathered their water-logged equipment. Solitary Island was as flat and desolate as an island could get. There were no trees, grass, or the like, only the stone here and there that jutted out of the sand. The average person would look at this island and see no interest in it and know nothing about it.   However, Corellia, being much more savvy about societal history in these islands, knew this island was supposedly a place used by the Cururi Nenar, the main tribe of the islands, to bootleg an illegal alcohol in secrecy, known as Feen.  


Feen is a Nenar alcoholic beverage made from the pedals of dormant doppleclovers. It is outlawed, because of its supposed occult nature, mostly stemming from hallucinations. Not known to many people, Nenar bootleggers often used Solitary Island to run this drink across the seas in secret, however as the party would later see, the secret cove they stumble across had likely not seen use in years.

Not Alone...

After making their acquaintances, when Zephyrion took to the sky to watch the land around them, that was when he and everyone else saw a group of kobolds, a mix between blue and bronze, sneaking up on them with cannibalistic intent. The bronze kobolds were led by the blue, who ordered to attack and capture the party. But, they were defeated, and the blue kobold was taken prisoner.   The party faced a heavy language barrier when they found out Vox, their kobold companion, couldn't speak draconic, the only language their prisoner knew. Instead, having been awkwardly raised by dwarves, he'd learned how to speak the tongue of the dwarves, instead. Though it wouldn't work two ways, Arves conducted a wizard's ritual on several occasions; it empowered him and allowed him to understand what the kobold, Tef, who spoke of granting an audience with King Paku if he was spared.   Arves managed to get the picture across, that unless Tef took them to King Paku, he'd end up like the other corpses. He began to escort them to the other side of the island. On the way, they came across a skeleton half-buried in the sand. A rusted cutlass was run through its rib cage, its hands clasped around the hilt, and on its body was a satchel that contained a note. It was a suicide note, they realized.  
Those words still ring in me mind, ‘heretic’, as I look out across the horizon, and if suffering be all that awaits, I would rather die, then. This blade shall take me somewhere, hopefully to the Leviathan’s den. But, all in all, I now entrust my soul to his pet, the kraken.
~ Cultist of Loch
  The party came upon a small hill mound in the distance. Tef pointed out the steep rock face covered in overgrowth on one of its sides, indicating that was the entryway into Paku's domain. It was confirmed when they saw a group of other kobolds come around the mound and drag a sled of driftwood in through the greenery. His purpose served, Vox promptly executed Tef without remorse.   Four bronze kobolds were thrust out into the sand by another blue kobold, and orders were barked at them to stand guard and not sleep, or they'd be eaten. The party realized the blue kobolds were the masters, and the bronze kobolds the slaves. Arves, sensing an idea, walked up to the kobolds with Tef's corpse and a bottle of alcohol, communicating as best he could everyone was here to slay their masters and free them. Catching his meaning, the kobolds stepped aside, and the party entered the hidden cove.  


Unbeknownst to everyone, who thought the island to be a barren waste, a tribe actually lived here in secret, feeding themselves off the other people and wreckage that were marooned and washed up here. Comprised of blue and bronze kobolds, the bronze were put to manual work as slaves, while the blue, including the fat king Paku, enjoyed the fruits of their labor day in and day out. They called themselves the Paku'wat.

Defeating King Paku

Inside, the party was met with more opposition, even facing a caged blood-thirsty harpy which Paku had somehow obtained as a pet in the past. They managed to clear the room and saw two other ways to go. One was a large stone slab rolled over a doorway, the other was a closed robust wooden door.   Through the wooden door, they found a room filled with cages and a lit unventilated fire they extinguished which had a rotisserie bar over it. Inside one of the cages, they found an unconscious man who smelled strongly of spices; whoever this was was being prepared to be eaten.   Waking him up, they met Ferris "Scurvy" Bort, a sailor who'd ended up shipwrecked on the island from a storm. He was a druid without his staff, but thanks to Arves, the vedalken gave him a temporary outlet for his magic, and he was prepared to aid the party however he could.   Behind the massive stone slab, the party found a large room filled with tiny tunnels that bronze kobolds went in and out of with blunted daggers. Seated in a throne fashioned out of piled rocks was a large blue kobold wielding a wooden shield and mighty halberd. King Paku glanced the party entering and immediately ordered his minions to capture them. But, he, too, was defeated by Corellia's killing blow.  

Escaping the Island

Having killed all their masters, the Paku'wat slaves found themselves free and chose to join the party, seeing hope in where they would lead them. Some even began looking at Arves, repeating his name like it was a god's; he looked different, talked different, and could understand them, after all!   Behind the throne of King Paku was a small treasure hoard which the party looted. Within the treasure, they found a ship in a bottle that rolled upon cascading waves. Arves could easily sense magic coming from it, and everyone easily assumed its purpose. Bringing it out to shore, Zephyrion uncorked it and a galiot was violently released into the sea, rigging set, anchor dropped, and ready to sail. It had no name on it, and its sails were stark white.   Though they were kobolds, the party put the Paku'wat to work on the ship; they'd learn how to sail soon enough. The party gained some distance from Solitary Island, bidding it a quick farewell, then gathered to discuss where to go next.   To be continued...

Level Up!

SPC Divider
Session Date
February 10th, 2024
In-Game Start Date
Eadriscus 10th, 1301 AC
In-Game End Date
Eadriscus 10th, 1301 AC

Player Characters

Zephyrion Skyblade - An owlin fighter.   Vox - A hill dwarf emerald kobold barbarian.   Corellia Emberfin - A tiefling-triton fighter.   Arves - A vedalkin wizard.  

Non-Player Characters

Ferris "Scurvy" Bort - A human spores druid retainer.  
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Magic Items

Heart of King Paku

Wondrous item, uncommon, 700gp (requires attunement by a small creature)
This pendant is carved in the shape of a robust heart and is colored a deep blue shade. Draconic filigree wraps around the pendant.   Strength of the Small (A). While you wear this pendant, you do not suffer disadvantage on attack rolls made with weapons that have the heavy trait, whether you meet the Strength requirement or not.
Ascended. While you are attuned to this, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with heavy weapons.   “Smash you! King Paku will smash you!”
~ King Paku

Ship in a Bottle

Wondrous item, very rare, 10,000gp (requires attunement)
This large glass bottle is topped with a cork. Inside, a square-mast ship roils around in a torrent of dark waves. Faint conjuration glyphs can be seen etched across the glass.   Conjure Galiot (A). While holding this bottle, you may spend a minute to verbally command the ship to be unleashed. It releases a galiot to an unoccupied 20-foot area you can see, which lasts until you spend another minute to recall the ship back into the bottle. When you do, the ship and all equipment that is not being worn or carried is sucked back in. Creatures on the ship when it disappears remain in the spaces they are in, which may end up causing them to fall or suffer a different outcome. The galiot retains all changes made to it and equipment it is carrying when it is resummoned.
Ascended. While you are attuned to this, you gain proficiency in water vehicles.   “Tie down the mooring lines, unfurl the sails, and pop the cork!”
~ Utmaen Shadowsail

Potion of Growth

Potion, uncommon, 150gp
The red in the potion's liquid continuously expands from a tiny to large bead that colors the clear liquid around it, and then contracts.   Growth. When you drink this potion, you gain the "enlarge" effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no concentration required).
Ascended. When you gain Growth, you also gain 10 temporary hit points.   “Small man with big heart, meet big man with even bigger heart!”
~ Sydo, the Simple

Cover image: Sea battle by Igor Artyomenko


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Feb 14, 2024 02:44

Argh, this be a great tale.