The Silver Piece Rebellion Military Conflict in Kustaanos | World Anvil

The Silver Piece Rebellion

Ravennian Divider

Ravenna is a land built upon the gods Pelor and Eadro, deities they tend to call the "Brother Gods". A shame they forgot that siblings often bicker and fight.
~ Zara Civilius III ~

Ravennian Divider
The Silver Piece Rebellion, also known as the Ravennian Civil War or the Rise of the Pirate Lords, was the bloody conflict that plagued the kingdom for two years after the year 1301. It took place throughout the Silver Piece Islands, in which the rebelling people, backed and led by the various pirate lords of the seas, fought against Ravenna for independence.  


Though the Silver Piece Rebellion is the most common name for this period in time, its reference is dependent on the region of Ravenna in question. Ravennian citizens on the mainland in the west and north remember it as the Ravennian Civil War due to the separate war which overthrew the king. Citizens who live along the southern coasts of the mainland recognize it as the Silver Piece Rebellion. Those among the islands call it the Rise of the Pirate Lords.  

The Silver Piece Colonies

The Silver Piece Islands were established through a sequence of royal charters, most of which were issued to the dwarf expeditionary, Utmaen Shadowsail starting in 960 AC. After colonizing the islands — subsequently coming at odds with its native inhabitants, the Cururi Nenar — piracy began to appear, giving way to the famous names such as Atlas Peg (Captain Silverking) and Malingmyn (Captain Treebeard), which soon grew into an enterprise that these "Pirate Lords" dominated.   The Ravennian kingdom as a culture had always held two gods in high esteem since the reign of their first king, Mason Lamonia: Pelor, the Dawn Father, and Eadro, the Seaworthy. A Ravennian looked to them like two sides of the same coin. Pelor, a god of the land, and Eadro, a god of the sea. Pelor, a god of food and harvest, and Eadro, a god of drink and water. Though the kingdom did not outlaw other gods, the average Ravennian believed the Dawn Father and Seaworthy were the only gods which they needed to provide for them. Both were equally venerated. But, the mainland was rich with open fields and farms, while the islands, much smaller, gave way to a more sea-faring culture. Mainlanders prayed to Pelor more often than not, and the colonies Eadro.   Over time, this began to develop a schism as both ends started to look at the other with disdain. Then, disdain turned to haughty bravado, and it wasn't long before the colonies and the southern cities of the mainland started calling their god the better of the two.  

The Pelor Decree

This open rivalry was most evident during the reign of Joseph Lamonia III, the eleventh monarch and eighth king of Ravenna (1164 - 1303 AC). It is recorded he was a very jealous king, going from one wife to the next on eight different occasions in the same year. He was equally as zealous toward the Dawn Father. As news continued to reach him of Eadro's prominence in the islands, Joseph soon came forward on Pelneth 1st, 1301, with a decree that shocked the entire land. It was called the Pelor Decree, which elevated the Dawn Father to the highest place of worship and strictly prohibited the public worship of any other faith, punishable as a crime.   The Ravennian naval guard stationed in the colonies strove to enforce this new law, leading to the arrests of countless sailors and privateers. It wasn't long before things got violent when, on Pelneth 17th, riots broke out in Darkwater in what was known as the Darkwater Massacre, where the naval guard opened fire on countless colony ships prohibiting trade to the mainland. It is agreed that this is when the Silver Piece Rebellion began.  

War Breaks Out

The rebellion took place throughout the Silver Piece Islands, with only a select few engagements occurring on the mainland coasts, at Aurathazel, Christoforus, and even the capital at the time, Lamonia. After the tragedy that transpired at Darkwater, the colonies all collectively sued for independence, refusing any and all Ravennian law. To lead the war against this was a Ravennian admiral, a drow who had lived long enough to have sailed the initial expeditions. He was Commodore Rowan Heckett, a military leader as much as he was a businessman. Under his leadership, he led an organized effort with the navy that proved an easy early advantage for the kingdom.   The colonies, though fervorous were disconnected and not nearly as well armed as the royal navy was. In need of proper leadership, the Pirate Lords that sailed the waters stepped in. Using their wealth and spheres of influence, they easily rallied various colonies under their own flag, raising for themselves fleets where once they had been a single vessel. Originally no-good pirates, the colonies had given themselves over to these lords, each of whom had more of an agenda than the simple autonomy of the islands.  

Commodore Heckett

Commodore Heckett, full name Rowan Heckett, was a former Skyrn dynasty drow general who fled his culture, using the first expeditions as the medium for his escape. His elven youth, paired with his military history and quick ability to learn behind the rigging of a ship gave him a name that was recounted on several occasions. He assumed the rank of a privateer, followed by the rank of warrant officer. When the political climate surrounding the colonies began to solidify and have a more pronounced presence, Heckett was elected to the rank of Commodore of the Silver Piece Islands. He has governed the islands ever since, and with rebellion in the waters, wonders if there is only more power to be gained.  

Pirate Lord Weaver

Pirate Lord Weaver, full name Valterik, was originally an Ul'isnus githyanki warrior before he was exiled to Materia for treason. He'd ended up in the islands at the height of Ravennian expansion, and used his strength and intimidation to quickly make an infamous name for himself. When the rebellion began, he saw an opportunity to take full control of the islands and transform it into an imperial power that might even rival his own people's. His control was most consolidated throughout the No Man's Sea, particularly along the east coasts of Axel Island.  

Pirate Lord Redcap

Pirate Lord Redcap, full name Thinnuphes, was a small fey who had spent the last century terrorizing the central-southern regions of Axel Island and secretly spreading a curse granted to him by the Hag of the Isles, Mezolloni. As her words are remembered, "Wherever your power goes, so too will my curse follow in my name." At the onset of the rebellion, Redcap didn't see himself a savior more than he looked at the encroaching navies of Ravenna and other Pirate Lords as a territorial predator. Some saw Redcap as their best chance at winning, and so united underneath him.  

Pirate Lord Treebeard

Pirate Lord Treebeard, full name Malingmyn, was a treant and a former tribesman of the Cururi Nenar. Seeing the colonization and piracy of the islands, he grew very enraged and cast himself out of the tribe, vowing himself never to return until the colonizers were driven out, the islands returned to his tribe, and himself worthy of becoming its next chief. He commanded many Nenar exiles and Ravennian sympathizers who were yearning for the same thing he wished for. Most of his control was centered around the western coasts of Axel Island, stretching from Atlum's Peak to Mutiny Port.  

Pirate Lord Silverking

Pirate Lord Silverking, full name Atlas Peg, was the most infamous Pirate Lord during this period, due to his profound level of influence, wealth, and ruthlessness towards those who crossed him. Originally a first mate under his older brother and Pirate Lord at the time, Reaver, he mutinied his own brother and cast him out to Solitary Island, stealing Reaver's title only a few years before the rebellion began. Born in the islands, Silverking did not tolerate anything that would throw away the colonies' identities, and the power behind being a Pirate Lord made him greedy. Where others saw rebellion, he saw an opportunity to take control of the islands and become its Pirate King.  

The Battle of Manmoga

Surprisingly enough, the first battle of this rebellion occurred between Pirate Lord Silverking and the known Captain Rumkeg, a fearsome human shark. Rumkeg was in control of the gambling town at Manmoga, but Silverking hoped to secure his domain out east and sought to use force through other crews to coerce Rumkeg into handing it over. A fierce naval defense for the town ensued later that same evening, with both sides losing many ships and sustaining heavy damage. Silverking himself was not present for the fight — likely a saving grace for Rumkeg. Instead, it was his first mate, Timber, who led the attack.   Though it was a victory, one which even saw the capture of Silverking's first mate, Rumkeg took it with a grain of salt, saying at one point, "We killed a bee for today, but we've stirred the hornet's nest for tomorrow." The battle took place on Eadriscus 13th, 1301 AC.  

Raid on Fiktana

On Eadriscus 18th, Pirate Lord Redcap, using the chaos of the rebellion, maliciously attacked the lizardfolk Fikfik tribe of Fiktana, causing death to anyone who didn't bend the knee and pillaging the land. Sacked, and its Chief Menthusa subdued, the domain was taken over.  

The Trifle over Edinryn

On Eadriscus 19th, one of the small island settlements in the north, Edinryn, came under siege by ships led by Captain Reaver. The religious settlement, devoted to Pelor was peppered with cannonfire and pillaged before Reaver defeated the garrison defending it and took it over. However, three days later, it was attacked again by Reaver's brother, Pirate Lord Silverking, who was intent on stifling Reaver's power.   Almost nothing in the town was left by the battle's end. Reaver was forced to flee from the stronghold, losing his quartermaster in the fight.
The further events and resolution surrounding the rebellion are still a WIP.
Ravennian Divider

A rebellion such as this reminds me of a saying of old. In war, there is no good. Often times, it is simply two sides playing to each their own agenda. Here, one side was too stubborn to let go, the other a usurper under the guise of a liberator.
~ Jamesyn Mendago ~

Ravennian Divider
Conflict Type
Civil War
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Organization | Feb 12, 2024

A kingdom that seeks to stand the test of time against a destructive world

Silver Piece Collective
Home to the native tribe of the Cururi Nenar, it has become colonized by the ever expansive kingdom of Ravenna. Today, it is a land ruled by pirates, meaning a land ruled by no one at all.

Cover image: Sea battle by Igor Artyomenko


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