Mistress' Return


The Mistress' Return are the entire graveyard grounds right behind the Royal Palace.
The graveyard is called that way because the people of Vraitha believe that their -hopefully - beloved Mistress returns after her death to the side of the Mother of Ravens to become one of Her ravens. That gave the gravyard its name.
Here we can find the Royal Crypt, the Morgue and the Mothers Pyre, which is exactly that, just a pyre. Inside the Morgue the deceased Mistress - and her deceased Consort if she had any at this time - is prepared for her flaming end, which also means to remove one of her - or his - molar teeth as sacrifice to the Graveyard Fairies who are going to decorate the urns with the memories, secrets and whatnot of the deceased.
The entire house with the Morgue and the Royal Crypt - and even the place for the Pyre - are carefully crafted out of black stone. This is polished and sealed with clear lacquer which can withstand great heat and cold. One can clean it without much of a hassle and even after the burning of corpses the caretaker of the Mistress' Return only needs a broom.

Royal Crypt

The Royal Crypt is - in contrary to their name - not a single house but a tall and wide black stonewall with indentions for two urns and a golden nameplate for the names of the Mistress and her Consort.
Here one can hear the Fairies rustling with her wings and chatting with each other. One can spot them sometimes during the sunset. They mostly live behind the urns in the indentions or in the ceiling of the Crypt, some even in the park behind the Crypt.
"The Crypt, the Morgue and even the Pyre are strangely beautiful. As beautiful as a place of death and burial can get. The stone looks like marble, but isn't. It looks like someone from a different nation had misplaced their graveyard and it went here. It doesn't look like as it would belong here."


As said above, it is believed that the Mistress returns to the Mother of Ravens when being burned. The same goes for the Consort to the Father of Crows if the Consort is a man.
The caretaker prepares the corpse(s) for the burning. They are being washed, oiled up with herbal oils, dressed in white and their molar tooth extracted.
The royal family, nobility and as much civilians attend the Burning on the Mothers Pyre. The corpse(s) are placed on the stone table with the wood for the Pyre underneath it and being burned while the priests give their blessing and sing a song of their choice.
After the Burning the family and some invited nobels attend a dinner to honour the deceased in their own way. The caretaker is gathering the ashes of the deceased which has fallen through a funnel into a box out of metal. This ash and the remains of bones are placed in a white urn. Those urns are inspected after the dinner and formally placed into the indentions. In front of every urn the molar tooth is placed, displayed on a wooden plate. The plate is an offering for the Fairies, they use it for houses, decorations or fun.
After a few days the family returns to inspect the paintings of the Fairies. This is the time when the family notices which urn is which based on the paintings. The tooth and the plate are gone in the best case.
"It is a shame mother and father had to die this way. Bad crab meat... blergh. Our investigations showed that it was bad luck. But at least they are being burned here. The fires reach high, it is so hot that I sweat even from far away. The flames glimmer and glitter in the black stone and illuminate even the Morgue. I can hear the popping and sizzling of fat and the chittering of the Graveyard Fairies, even from far away.   The Dinner isn't so bad and the placing of urns was surprisingly unspectacular. But after the Fairies had done their work, I wished I never had taken that look. Some things I didn't want to know about my parents. From this day on I won't eat a single crab for the rest of my live. Not even one!"
— Son during the burial of his parents
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: Koria Main Header by CrazyEddie via Midjourney


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Mar 26, 2024 21:45 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the idea of Fairies painting the urns. That sounds so lovely. But yes, you would learn some things about people you might not want to know. XD

Mar 27, 2024 08:44

Ich finde es interessant das die tradition erwartet das der Backenzahn für Graveyard-Fairies entfernt wird. Das zeigt wie offen man in Vraitha mit dem Tod umgeht... Gibt es nach der eigentlichen Totenfeier (dem verbrennen) eigentlich nochmals ein "Enthüllen der Urnen" wenn die Feen fertig gezeichnet haben...

Moment, jetzt ist sind mir einige Gedanke gekommen:
Kommen die Fairies in so einem Fall auch an die Erinnerungen der Mistresses heran welche im "Emerald of the Clouds" gespeichert wurden?? - oder entstehen dann blanke Flecken auf den Urnen, wo dieser Teil ihrer Geschichte hin gehört?
Findet sich auf Vrisinas Urne somit, dank der Fairies, das Geheimnis zum "Emerald" - da sie die Blaupausen ja mit ins Grab nahm.
Und bedeutet dies das das Geheimniss um Vrarukas Bildnis im Thronraum aufgedeckt werden würden sobald die Feen eines Tages Vrinis Urne verzieren werden? (Hat die arme Vraruka also doch noch eine Chance auf erlösung aus ihrer Qual???)

Have a look at my entries for:
  • BasicDragons's Unofficial Dragon Challenge 2024: Parg-nél'rush, der Walddrache
  • DaniAdventures Romance-Ception! Challenge Ballade von der Silberelfe
  • My Adventure April short story Einer dieser Tage
  • Mar 28, 2024 09:25

    Es muss nicht der Backenzahn sein, aber es ist dort nicht so auffällig, wenn da ein Zahn fehlt. Und nein, man wartet einfach ein paar Tage und irgendwann sind die Urnen fertig. Normalerweise würde wohl der Totenwächter eine Art Nachricht senden, aber normalerweise wartet man eine Woche == 14 Tage ab und kommt dann am 15en Tag mal gucken.

      1) Erinnerungen der Mistress' aus dem Emerald: Nein. Die sind ja nicht mehr im Körper der Toten. Es gibt sie einfach nicht, also werden sie gar nicht erst "gesehen" und es entstehen auch keine blanken Flecken. 2) Blaupausen: eher nicht, wahrscheinlicher die Geschichte dahin, also ihre Lehrzeit. Vielleicht teilweise, aber definitiv keine ganze Anleitung. 3) Theoretisch ja, es sei denn Vrinis packt ihre Erinnerung in den Emerald. Wenn sie das nicht tut, könnte Vraruka irgendwie noch Erlösung finden.

    You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
    Mar 28, 2024 12:05

    Danke für die Ausführlichen Erklärungen!
    Also ist die Frage was wird Vrinis wichtiger sein: sich bis zu ihrem Augenblick des Todes daran zu erinnern das sie es war die ihrer Mutter qualen bereitet und "Gefahr" laufen das die Fairies diese Tat verewigen ODER Dies zu vergessen und zu riskieren das eine ihrer Nachfolgerinnen einen der Suchbegriffe: "Varuka, Gemälde, Vrinis, Ritual oder Gefangenschaft" nutzt und durch den Zufallseffekt des Emerald dann diese Erinnerung herauf beschwört... Oh man also wird es so oder so vermutlich irgendwann entweder eine traumatisierte Fairie oder eine traumatisierte Dame von königlichem Geblüt geben...

    Have a look at my entries for:
  • BasicDragons's Unofficial Dragon Challenge 2024: Parg-nél'rush, der Walddrache
  • DaniAdventures Romance-Ception! Challenge Ballade von der Silberelfe
  • My Adventure April short story Einer dieser Tage
  • Mar 28, 2024 13:02

    So oder so auf jeden Fall.^^ (und verzeih, ich hab irgendwie die BRs vergessen für Formatierung...)

    You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
    Apr 2, 2024 05:41 by Stormbril

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