Raus Ukavone Item in Kobos | World Anvil

Raus Ukavone

"My greatest of grandad's trophies? I don't know what it does. I inherited it when he died, and I just haven't the heart to part with it."   ~Terrence the Scion, Plutarch and landlord of Port Terrence

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The stone is suffused with chaos magic that converts the natural magical forces and biomass of an area into spawning pits much like those the orcs use.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Current Holder
30 lbs.
2 ft. x 1 ft.


Raus Ukavone

Wondrous Item

Legendary Necromancy Requires Attunement

This is a chunk of crystal hewn from those surrounding the spawning pools of the Orcs. It was grown and is infused by the chaos magic harnessed by the Greenskins that would become the Orc race. 

It's roughly 2 ft. long and 1 ft. wide at the base, which tapers to a point at the top. It appears to be a green crystal that glows dimly, and the pressure of the wild magic that suffuses it can be felt on the skin.

It generates an area of wild magic that varies in size depending on how it's mounted. If incorporated into a building, the building's entire internal area is suffused with wild magic. If simply open to the air, it generates a sphere with a radius of 120 ft. of wild magic area. 

Additionally, it converts untilled, natural soil into a spawning pool. Up to 15 acres can spawn 5 cysts per acre. These cysts will generate a physical clone of the one attuned to the object, loyal to the attuned owner but otherwise chaotic and vicious. The spawn will have the physical stats of the attuned owner, but the following mental stats: 8 Intelligence, 8 Wisdom, and 10 Charisma.

Weight: 30 lbs


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