Hammer & Buckle Smithy Building / Landmark in Kobos | World Anvil

Hammer & Buckle Smithy

"You looking for me, an anvil, or a smelter?"   Harriet Stonebridge

Purpose / Function

The Public Ironworks has always been Port Terrence's solution to blacksmithing, though for almost all of its history it was more or less an open field with an awning over a clay-brick forge with a rusty anvil. The building itself was constructed by a cash infusion of the Armorer's Union at the request of the surprisingly young Harriet Stonebridge.


The building is set on 16 large stone plynths sunk into the marsh, on which a square stone slab is placed. On this slab, four simple megalithic walls are placed, and the roof is a clay structure with an ingenious system of chimneys to let out the fumes while denying entry to rainwater and pests.   Inside the building is one great forge in the center, surrounded by anvils. Clay brick forges and smelters are scattered around the structure almost haphazardly.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Public Ironworks
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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