Elder Profession in Kobos | World Anvil


"The graybeards say that Iliac was a great hero. Even if it's not true, you've got to listen to the graybeards, right?"   ~Cerin Clanless, Deputy of Alcedene



When a Maecodian citizen reaches an age where they can no longer work, once they are venerable enough to earn through wisdom alone, they attain the rank of Elder. No formal process for this exists, parents simply ask them to watch and educate their kids while they work, and compensate them with money, goods, and services when they do so.

Career Progression

Young elders tend to manage groups of older children, that require more energy and can absorb the stories better. As the elders slow down with age, they tend to watch smaller children that require less movement and more stationary attention.

Payment & Reimbursement

Elders who watch children may receive funding and services from several sources: in the smallest hamlets, the parents provide the bulk of the funds. In towns, Plutarchs and churches will often fund the elders. In the cities, elders tend to visit schoolhouses funded from numerous sources including funds from the city directly.

Other Benefits

Elders, especially those who are known (or thought of) as wise and knowledgeable, are highly respected and despite their pay will often live for days at a time without needing to pay out a single copper - they will often eat for free, and can count on the services and care from businesses in town.   This often means that their eventual passing often carries some sort of inheritance with it, even if they were not able to save up during their working life.
Alternative Names
Graybeard, graymane, oldfolk, dustfart


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