Dhampir Ethnicity in Kobos | World Anvil


"Dhampir are an interesting subject to study, and useful in efforts to destroy the undead if it comes up. Research or resource, they are a wealth to be exploited and anyone that tells you otherwise is likely just being miserly."   ~Archmage Dulacar, A History         Dhampir aren’t properly a species on their own. They are the result of a pregnant female falling victim to the predations of the undead. These include but are not limited to: mummy rot, ghoul fever, a vampire’s drain ability, and allip madness. Similarly, long term exposure of a bloodline to a bosetor can result in the occasional birth of a dhampir.    

Physical Description

Dhampir tend to be either on the dark end of the spectrum of their parent race or on the light end, rarely displaying coloration in between. Their hair is usually black, and their eyes are usually corpse-pale blue. They regularly display some physical trait hinting at the nature of their undead ‘parent:’ Fangs from a vampire, a thin build or ashy, wrinkled skin from a mummy, or a manic smile or habit of manic thinking out loud from an allip. Dhampir born of exposure to bosetors often display more supernatural traits such as 'reverse shadows' or a lack of reflections.    


Aside from the minor cosmetic changes, an examination of a Dhampir would show it to be a perfectly normal member of the parent race. The only exception is the blood. Within every undead, there is a channel to the negative energy plane in the form of rips and tears in the veil between planes. These tiny rips allow the negative energy to animate the corpse in parody of life. Dhampir were tainted in the womb by this negative energy, and similar tears in the veil opened. Their innocent souls opened these rips to the positive energy plane instead, suffusing their blood with energy. For most mundane matters, this is simply an efficient solvent or acid. Alchemists eagerly seek it for this purpose, and often offer to pay for blood donations if they come across a dhampir. The blood reacts with the negative energy supporting undead physiology, however, violently cancelling each other out.


Culture and cultural heritage

Dhampir occasionally form bands, drawn together by their inherent ‘otherness’ from their parent culture. These subcultures tend to latch onto causes, and can quickly become radicals. Strangely, while rooting out undead is the most common cause among these groups they might be swayed by any political cause.    


Dhampir gravitate towards gods and goddesses of the Grave, with Morwal, Queen of Stars being the most common. Dhampir paladins and clerics are nearly always devoted to Morwal or the gods of the Mysteries of Death.
Diverged ethnicities


Ability Score Increase +1 Charisma. This replaces the +1 ability increase of the base race, if applicable.
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Skills: Same as base race.     Poisoned Blood (Replaces innate spellcasting or one bonus feat): The blood of the dhampir is a corrosive black fluid that is harmful, and especially so towards the undead. If injured by slashing or piercing damage for at least one damage, their blood sprays towards their attacker and deals 1d4 acid damage unless the attacker succeeds at a DC 12 Dexterity check. Against undead, this damage is instead 1d6+their Charisma Modifier + 1/2 of their level (rounded down) and changes to radiant instead of acid. If wielding a slashing or piercing weapon, the Dhampir can voluntarily inflict 1 damage on themselves as a bonus action, coating the blade with blood and adding the damage as a bonus. After it is spilled, the blood putrefies rapidly and loses its unique properties after a few seconds. Flasks enchanted with a permanent Gentle Repose spell have been made that can collect and store Dhampir blood, and are available in most major cities for 250 GP per dose.     Resistances: All resistances of the parent race are replaced by resistances to Necrotic and Radiant damage.


Ability Score Increase +1 Charisma. This replaces the +1 ability increase of the base race, if applicable.
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Skills: Same as base race.     Poisoned Blood (Replaces innate spellcasting or one bonus feat): The blood of the dhampir is a corrosive black fluid that is harmful, and especially so towards the undead. If injured by slashing or piercing damage for at least one damage, their blood sprays towards their attacker and deals 1d4 acid damage unless the attacker succeeds at a DC 12 Dexterity check. Against undead, this damage is instead 1d6+their Charisma Modifier + 1/2 of their level (rounded down) and changes to radiant instead of acid. If wielding a slashing or piercing weapon, the Dhampir can voluntarily inflict 1 damage on themselves as a bonus action, coating the blade with blood and adding the damage as a bonus. After it is spilled, the blood putrefies rapidly and loses its unique properties after a few seconds. Flasks enchanted with a permanent Gentle Repose spell have been made that can collect and store Dhampir blood, and are available in most major cities for 250 GP per dose.     Resistances: All resistances of the parent race are replaced by resistances to Necrotic and Radiant damage.


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