Stardew Species in Known World of the Spellster Universe | World Anvil
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Stardew is the Demarn name for an insect-eating plant that thrives in a moist environment.   They possess long, green, fern-like stems that are quite thick and fleshy. Instead of unfurling into an array of leaves, the stems display rows of hairs that are no thicker than a single strand of a horse's mane hair. Each of these hairs ends with a little translucent bulb that looks as though it has morning dew, hence the name. These bulbs are also sticky and smell quite sweet, in order to trap its prey.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Producing pale purple flowers once a season, stardews growing close enough together can be pollinated either via the wind or butterflies, but they are largely self-pollinating plant. These flowers are grown atop long stems to keep any would-be pollinators from becoming a meal then, after a short period of 2-3 days, the flowers will close up and produce a bluish-grey seed pod that is light enough to be shaken off the stem with a good breeze.

Ecology and Habitats

In the wild, they can be found in areas that are damp and well-lit year-round. Because this can mean days of travel to find, and due to the coveted flesh not storing well, many apothecaries cultivate the plants in special wet-bed gardens.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Being a carnivorous plant, stardews cannot thrive without a steady diet of insects. However, a balance must be maintained as overfeeding may lead to leaf die-off.   They are most suited to luring and capturing flies by way of the sticky droplets running along the outer edge of every stem. These droplets are attached to sturdy hairs which, when triggered, cause the stem to furl on itself and begin the digesting process.   Having a shallow and stringy root system means they prefer wet soil, such as what's found in their natural environment. Without a steady and plentiful supply of moisture, they wither quickly, often using everything they have left to produce seeds for when there are more favourable conditions.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Stardew's sticky, slimy flesh is the main reason for its cultivation. It's used in conjunction with dropweed and Elan's hair to form a poultice to aid in drawing out toxins from a wound and is the only known aid when it comes to tackling the effects of the poison Aerona’s Kiss.  


Peeled stardew flesh loses its potency as it dries, yet the poultices rely on keeping the flesh moist. Attempts have been made to stabilise the bare flesh, from pickling slices of the flesh to rehydrating a powdered form, but all to no avail. It's generally only harvested a few hours at most before application, with many apothecaries opting for the shortest time possible to make the most of its properties.
Organic   Rarity
Common   Odor
Both the sticky outer droplets and the flesh give off a sweet, fruity scent.   Taste
The main plant is bitter and caustic. The roots are milder, but their fibrous nature makes them unpalatable. The flesh has a fairly neutral flavour but can be bitter if harvested in drier times.
2-8 years in the wild. Cultivated examples have been recorded to live for 30 years.
Average Height
Whilst usually around a handspan high in the wild, not including the flower stems. Cultivated, they are known to reach a height of 25cm.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Blooming Solitude


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Aug 8, 2023 16:53

I like the simplicity of your article and your drawing, well done.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 10, 2023 22:03 by Deleyna Marr

Beautiful drawings! Nicely done and makes this feel very real.
