Alchemist Dagger Item in Known World of the Spellster Universe | World Anvil
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Alchemist Dagger

Magically crafted from a magic-defying metal, the daggers the Demarn alchemists make as a symbol of their mastery over infitialis. Because each dagger is an individually-designed masterpiece, no two daggers are the same, but they are all crafted to a certain standard. They have a medium-sized blade that is curved to one side and can be either sharp on both edges or one.   The abilities they possess shouldn't be possible, but that's the whole point behind their creation, as well as giving them the means to defend themselves against aggressors. What's more, their properties are completely unheard of outside of the Dermarn spellster tower. A simple nick from these blades can turn deadly as the magic imbued in them inhibits a victim from being able to heal, even with the most skilled healer on hand. This can either mean a person has a lifetime of a small cut they must eternally care for or, far more commonly, a serious wound that will continue to bleed until they're dead.   Because the cause of their abilities is magic-based, these daggers are no more dangerous to a Nulled One than any other bladed weapon.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Related ethnicities
Found only amongst Demarn alchemists.
Average 25cm (10 inches) long


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