Korvax the Unmaker Character in Kirileth | World Anvil
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Korvax the Unmaker

Prince of the Void

In the realm of demons, where chaos and destruction reign supreme, few are as feared and respected as Korvax the Unmaker. Adorned in black plate armour that seems to absorb all light and sound, he cuts an imposing figure that strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest souls. His eyes are dark voids that seem to swallow all that they gaze upon, and his expression is one of cold, unfeeling malice.   Korvax is known throughout the realm as the Prince of the Void, a fitting title for one whose very presence seems to suck the life and light out of everything around him. He is a master of the dark arts, able to conjure black fire and shadowy tendrils that writhe and lash out at his enemies with deadly force. Those who face him in battle describe the feeling of being swallowed up by an endless, suffocating emptiness, as if the very fabric of reality is being torn apart.   Like Ahzmidahl, Korvax is a prince among demons, feared and respected by all who dwell within the realm. He is a counterpart to the demon prince of blood, his black armor and void-like eyes representing the dark emptiness that lies at the heart of the realm's twisted nature. While Ahzmidahl embodies unbridled rage and fury, Korvax is a master of cold, calculated destruction, his every move designed to bring about the complete annihilation of his enemies.   There are whispers among the demons that Korvax harbors ambitions of his own, and that he seeks to supplant Karnos and take his place as ruler of the realm. Some speculate that he is biding his time, waiting for the right moment to strike and seize control for himself. Others believe that he is content to serve as Karnos' loyal enforcer, carrying out his master's will with ruthless efficiency.   Whatever his true motives may be, there can be no doubt that Korvax is a formidable adversary, a demon of unmatched power and malevolence. His mastery of the void makes him a danger to all who oppose him, and his reputation as the Prince of the Void serves as a chilling reminder of the darkness that lurks at the heart of the realm.


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