Ahzmidahl Character in Kirileth | World Anvil
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The Prince Of Blood

Within the realm of demons and other hellish creatures, few can match the might and terrifying presence of Ahzmidahl, the demon prince who rules over Korvanthor in Karnos' stead. Standing over 30 feet tall, Ahzmidahl's towering and imposing figure is a sight to behold. His body is rippled with powerful muscles, and his skin is dark and leathery. His eyes are glowing orbs of crimson, their fiery gaze striking fear into the hearts of even the bravest mortals.   The prince's face is a mask of cold fury, his features twisted into a cruel and unyielding visage. His jaw is lined with razor-sharp teeth, each one capable of rending flesh and bone with ease, and his nostrils flare with each breath, inhaling the acrid stench of smoke and sulfur that pervades his realm. His forehead is adorned with a pair of curved, bone coloured horns, each one sharp enough to skewer a mortal on their tip.   Perhaps the most fearsome aspect of Ahzmidahl's appearance is his wings. Like the wings of a great bat, they span over 60 feet in width, their leathery membranes stretched tight over a network of bony spines and veins. They are a sickly shade of red, the same color as fresh blood, and they seem to pulse with an inner energy that crackles through the air. With a single powerful flap, Ahzmidahl can launch himself into the air and soar across the wastelands of Korvanthor with terrifying speed and grace.   Ahzmidahl's primary role is that of the enforcer of Karnos' will within Korvanthor. As such, he carries out his master's bidding with ruthless efficiency. He wields a large battle axe and a long flail, both of which are feared for their devastating power. The flail, known as the Chains of Ruination, is a weapon of particular terror. Its spiked chains can wrap around an enemy and tear them apart with ease. It is said that the head of this formidable flail still glows with the intense heat of the forge.   Despite his fearsome reputation, there are whispers that Ahzmidahl harbors ambitions of his own. Some speculate that he covets Karnos' power and seeks to supplant him as the ruler of Korvanthor. Others suggest that he is biding his time, waiting for the right moment to make his move and seize control of the realm for himself.   It is difficult to discern the truth of these rumors, as Ahzmidahl is a creature of inscrutable motives. Nevertheless, there can be no doubt that he is a formidable adversary, a demon of unmatched strength and cunning. Those who cross him do so at their peril, for the demon prince is a merciless foe who delights in the pain and suffering of his enemies.   Ahzmidahl's very presence within Korvanthor is a testament to the twisted and malevolent nature of the realm. It is a place where even the most powerful mortals must tread carefully if they hope to emerge with their souls intact. The demon prince is a reminder that in this realm, strength and ruthlessness are the only currencies that truly matter.   In conclusion, Ahzmidahl, the demon prince of Korvanthor, is a towering and imposing figure, feared and respected by all who dwell within the realm of demons. His role as the enforcer of Karnos' will is unquestioned, and his very presence strikes fear into the hearts of those who would oppose him. Whether he harbors ambitions of his own or is content to serve his master indefinitely, there can be no doubt that Ahzmidahl is a force to be reckoned with. Mortals who find themselves in his path would do well to proceed with caution, lest they fall prey to the demon prince's fury.  


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