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Asmodite was once a powerful and abundant resource, forming deep in the heart of Mount Asmodeus and ejected during eruptions. Its very existence, however, has been debated by many in the Kingdom of Sorrano due to the fact that it has been centuries since the gemstone was last seen, as Mount Asmodeus has not erupted for nearly 1,000 years. That all may change soon, however, as the long-sleeping volcano began erupting again last month.   The crystal's magical properties have long been debated, as "live" Asmodite has not been seen for centuries. Some historians have argued that the crystal's intense heat is the only thing that makes it special, while others have argued that asmodite is highly magical, causing weapons made with it to possess all manner of wondrous properties, and jewelry fashioned with asmodite granting the wearer incredible powers. Live asmodite crystals have not been seen for centuries, but the recent eruption of Mount Asmodeus may change that...


Material Characteristics

Asmodite is a dark red crystal with flecks of black visible inside. Each individual black fleck alternates between visible and invisible over a span of a few seconds, fading from one state to the other. Over time, the black flecks disappear completely, and the red crystal both cools and loses its magical properties.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Asmodite crystals are exceedingly hot as long as the black flecks are visible. If the crystal makes contact with skin it causes severe burns.


Asmodite crystals can be broken down into powder and combined with steel to create Asmodite Steel. Only Master Smiths are capable of both creating this compound and then crafting weapons with it.

Geology & Geography

Asmodite crystals are formed in Mount Asmodeus and ejected during eruptions.

Life & Expiration

Asmodite crystals lose their black flecks and associated magical properties over a span of time that varies from one crystal to the next, the longest span rumored to be months, the shortest a matter of days. Once Asmodite loses its black flecks it resembles a dark red ruby. Only a Master Gemologist can differentiate between a ruby and a "dead" asmodite crystal.

History & Usage


Asmodite crystals were once used in jewelry and weaponry, though very few crafters have ever been able to properly handle and utilize the substance.


Asmodite was first discovered following an eruption of Mount Asmodeus not long after the first settlers arrived in the Kingdom of Sorrano.

Everyday use

Asmodite has not been used (or seen) for centuries. When last used, only the wealthiest and most powerful citizens could afford the steep cost that crafters charged to handle and utilize the substance.

Industrial Use

Asmodite crystals can be broken down into a powder and combined with steel to produce powerful weapons. Similarly, mining picks were once fashioned with a bit of asmodite near the tip to profoundly increase their mining power and durability.


Asmodite has been both faceted for use in jewelry and broken down into powder for use in crafting weapons and tools.


Handling asmodite is extremely dangerous due to the intense heat of the substance. When broken down into a powder and combined with steel in tools and weaponry, the resulting compound is still hot, though not nearly as intense.



Asmodite melts nearly everything it touches, making storage extremely difficult. The most common means of storing it involves the use of volcanic rock, which does not melt when asmodite contacts it. In fact, most asmodite is discovered embedded in volcanic rock.
Active asmodite has not been seen for centuries. Dead asmodite is somewhat common, though it is is indistinguishable from a ruby unless carefully examined by a Master Gemologist.
Asmodite crystals smell faintly of sulfur, though the smell gradually dissipates as the black flecks disappear.
Live Asmodite: Dark red with black flecks.
Dead Asmodite: Dark red.
Common State
Related Locations


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