Kingdom of america 1806
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With a series of political defeats, the Republicans grow more aggressive. A faction led by Nathaniel Macon begin to consolidate power in southern states, beginning talks of secession in opposition to Chancellor Elbridge Gerry's emancipation plans.
  Chancellor Gerry announces a vote on full and complete abolition of slavery by 1810, the earliest that would be allowed under the Constitution. The office of PotS has changed to Premier of the Senate, or Premier for short. Gerry’s pick for the office, William Short, plans to force the vote. King Augustus I supports the plan, and both cabinets begin proposals for after the vote. In order to secure the effort, Gerry asks John Marshall and Peter Augustus Jay to the Supreme Court, attempting to have all three branches in agreement. Both men agree, with Jay’s nomination being approved with little attention. Marshall’s approval as Chief Justice receives significant opposition.
  While the war in Europe continues, France and Spain sue for peace in the Americas. In exchange for removing occupation of South American and Caribbean colonies, allowing for commerce and government to resume, France and Spain cedes all of Louisiana and Florida to America. King Augustus I of America himself, accompanied by Crown Prince Augustus, negotiated directly with Napoleon and Charles IV of Spain, marking the first time a European monarch discussed directly to an American one. Augustus I would be later given the moniker Augustus the Conqueror.
  With the end of the War of the Third Coalition coming to an end in Europe, Britain’s attention is split between continued conflict with France and the newly ignited opposition to the American annexation of the entirety of Louisiana. King Augustus I expresses that the situation is "a concern for the American Crown, not the British one". The disagreement, along with British inadequate response to growing pro-French tensions in Lower Canada, plays a major role in the eventual refusal of America to participate in the Fourth Coalition.
  Princess Elizabeth Monroe draws criticism and minor accusations of French sympathy after naming her newly born daughter Hortensia after Hortense de Beauharnais, step-daughter of Napoleon Bonaparte. Matters are complicated further as Hotense's husband, Louis Bonaparte, is made King of Holland by Napoleon. Prince Augustus, however, uses his wife’s connection to establish a correspondence with King Louis I. This sets the groundwork for Holland joining the opposition to Napoleon.
  The states of Georgia and the Carolinas declare revolt as the abolition vote fails to be blocked in Congress. Virginia and Tennessee see many counties join them, but with their state governments controlled by Libertarians are able to keep the majority within the kingdom. The rebel militia attack military outposts, seizing weapons and munitions. King Augustus calls for military action to put down what he feels as little more than an insurrection.
  Napoleon creates the Confederation of the Rhine. King Augustus I denounces this action, and announces support for Prussian resistance. Congress voices concerns in increased involvement in European affairs.

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