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German Empire

The German Empire is a large nation encompassing much of Central Europe bordering Italy, Holland, Yugoslavia, France, and Russia. It is considered one of the leading powers of the world.


The German Constitution is written such that the King of Prussia is also the German Emperor. However, many other states, including the Kingdom of Bavaria, have their own respective monarchs. Many of the states retained their own foriegn policy, military, and postal systems. During times of war, the united German military would be transferred under Prussian command.


The Culture of the German Empire is diverse, with many of the southern states being cultural distinct from their northern counterparts. In the eastern states, there is a high Polish population that strives to retain their own cultural identity.


The German Empire was proclaimed in 1884, immediately preceeding the Berlin Conference and the scramble for Africa. This was meant to consolidate Bavarian and Prussian interests in Africa, and to work as a counterbalance to the rising distrust towards Austria and Spain. William I of Prussia was proclaimed German Kaiser in Berlin at the Royal Palace.   In the early 19th century, Germany alligned itself with the neighbering nations of Holland and Russia. However, there remained much distrust among the allies, as Kaiser Wilhelm II was wary of Constantine II and Louis III's liberal policies towards domestic concerns. The three remained allies and formed an integral alliance in The Great War against Great Britain, Spain, Occitania, Austria, and Ukraine.   In 1920, with their victory, Germany obtained good relations with the new Austrian Emeperor Leopold. Though there were desires to annex large portions of Austrian territory, the German High Command elected to support the new Hapsburg Confederation in the Hungarian Revolution of 1922. This was not done by any sense of benevolence, and was rather done to keep a balance in Europe following the rise of socialism in France, Holland, Ireland, and Occitania.   Following the dissolution of the Hapsburg Confederation, Austrian Emperor Franz Karl accepted the lesser title of King of Austria, and negotiated Austria's entry into the greater German Empire. Germany also gained the territories of German Moravia and German Bohemia. The region of Bohemia was annexed by the German empire shortly after as the United Kingdom of Romania and Hungary annexed Slovakia.
German Empire (peach) at its territorial height.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization
Neighboring Nations