New Equipment

Price: $50
Weight: 3 lbs
The skateboard has become a ubiquitous part of city living. On level ground, a skateboard increases a person’s speed by an additional 10 feet per round. On a downward slope, this increases by an additional 20 feet per round. The character can only take attack or move actions while riding a skateboard. Any time he does anything fancy, the rider must make a Acrobatics check (DC 15). The DC can increase based on how difficult a maneuver he is attempting. A failed check means that he falls, taking damage as if he fell 10 feet vertically for every 20 feet of movement.

Price: $200
Weight: 20 lbs
A 19th-century invention, bicycles are energy-efficient, pedal-driven vehicles consisting of a frame and a pair of wheels. While you are riding a bicycle, your land speed increases by 5 feet for every 10 feet of base walking speed you possess; for example, if your speed is 30 feet, your speed on a bicycle is 45 feet. By succeeding on a DC10 Acrobatics check, you can increase your land speed by 5 feet for every 5 feet of base walking speed you possess; for example, if your speed is 30 feet and you succeed at the check, your speed on a bicycle becomes 60 feet. Travelling down a downhill slope with a grade of 15 degrees or more on a bicycle only costs you 1 foot of movement for every 2 feet you travel downhill. The character can only take attack or move actions while riding a bicycle. Any time he does anything fancy, the rider must make a Acrobatics check (DC 15). The DC can increase based on how difficult a maneuver he is attempting. A failed check means that he falls, taking damage as if he fell 10 feet vertically for every 20 feet of movement.

Footpedal Extenders
Price: $100
Allows Small creatures to reach the gas and brake pedals of motor vehicles sized for Medium creatures.

Seat Padding
Price: $50
A small padding that rests neatly on the driver seat, allowing a Small creature to look over the steering column.