Viscount Grombrindal Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Viscount Grombrindal

Professor, Lord Commander (a.k.a. The White Dwarf)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Even at his advanced age, Grombrindal has shown no signs of slowing.  The only indicator of his extreme lifespan is the abnormal white of his hair and beard, and the incredible length of said beard.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grombrindal, the White Dwarf. As one of the only persons still remaining in the world born during the Draconic Age, before the fall of Teraptus, it is said that he has seen it all. He claims to've been born before the cities of Shard and River Crossing were founded, and, though records are mostly unavailable from that time period, his father's death was recorded in 628BD, lending a significant amount of credence to his claims.

After repeated battles during the Draconic and Lyras wars, he stepped away from the warring lifestyle and dedicated himself to scholarly pursuits sometime around 15AV. This dedication bore fruit nearly a century later, as he was created a Knight of the Realm and placed in charge of the newly created Royal Society for the Exploration of the Natural and Physical World.

After the second siege of River Crossing in 221, and the subsequent death of Viscount Pablano, Grombrindal was elevated to the rank of Lord Commander of the Zoluren Expeditionary Force by Prince Roger Vorclaf and charged with the defense of the realm.


Grombrindal, when required, attends galas, parties and balls, often accompanied by a young lady from the Crimson Petal.  He has never taken a wife, nor sired any children.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Grombrindal has personally seen combat on the same field as Teraptus , and claims to've crossed blades with Lyras once.
The Rune-axe of Grimnir, a sacred and ancient blade, one of the Relics of the Draconic Age and carried by Grombrindal.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Viscount Grombrindal, Knight of the Realm, Bearer of the Sacred Flame, Lord Commander of the Zoluren Expeditionary Force and GrandMaster of the Royal Society for the Exploration of the Natural and Physical World.
Date of Birth
Sixth Day of the Ninth Month, 660BD
Current Residence
Benbrooke Manor
Long, Abnormally white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
He is known to be fluent in Common, Dwarven, Draconic, and Primordial.  Though it is not a spoken language, he is one of the only people left in Kermoria with knowledge of ancient, pre-draconic runic sigils [the precursor to arcane sigils of the modern world].

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