The Midnight Suns Military Formation in Kermoria | World Anvil
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The Midnight Suns

The Midnight Suns serve as the elite Kingsguard for King Roger Vorclaf. Drawn from the ranks of the Zoluren Expeditionary Force, each one is chosen for their skills in combat, loyalty to the crown, and for any unique skill which may one day be of use in any given situation; while the majority were knights and soldiers, and many are graduates of the swordmaster school, Gorran Institute, some hail as cat burglars, or even bar-room brawlers prior to their acceptance into the Suns.



The Midnight Suns number between 50 and 100 soldiers at any given time, though their ranks are often heavily bolstered by local garrisons of the Zoluren Expeditionary Force.


Each member carries their sword and shield, as any knight, but they also carry a second, ceremonial blade. Upon selection to the Midnight Suns, the King of Zoluren, of his own expense, has a longsword forged of exacting specifications for each soldier in his Kingsguard. This blade is ceremonial, and, once issued, is never to be drawn in combat. It exists for the Knight to be buried with, and to carry with him into the afterlife, so that, should his soul be chosen to continue on the outer plane of Ysgard, he should find himself with a weapon to defend himself and his honor.


Historical loyalties

The Midnight Suns exist solely for the protection of the Monarchy of Zoluren.  While, ostensibly, their mandate extends to the entire royal family, traditionally, the majority of their manpower is spent with the Ruler and the Heir Apparent.  Consorts and other children warrant a bodyguard, but rarely see a squad of soldiers, whereas the Monarch and Heir are often surrounded by as many as eight or ten Suns.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Ranks & Titles

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