Razor Ridge Expanse Geographic Location in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Razor Ridge Expanse

The Razor Ridge Expanse is a dangerous and inhospitable region full of razor-sharp rocks, toxic pools, and savage creatures. Its unique geography and the presence of Emberflame's lair have made it a popular destination for adventurers seeking fame and fortune. Despite its many dangers, the region is rich in natural resources, making it a valuable location for those willing to brave its treacherous terrain.


The Razor Ridge Expanse is a region characterized by razor-sharp, volcanic rocks jutting from the ground. The rugged terrain is full of rocky outcroppings and jagged formations that make traveling on foot challenging. The Expanse is also known for its small but varied pools of toxic chemicals such as sulphur, mercury, and lava that bubble up from the earth's crust. The air here is thick with the smell of sulphur, and the entire area is inhospitable to most forms of life.

Emberflame's Lair

  Emberflame, Wrath of the First Age, the legendary ancient red dragon, is rumored to make its lair somewhere in the Razor Ridge Expanse. Many have set out to find the dragon's lair, hoping to slay the beast and claim its treasure hoard, but few have returned from their quests. Some believe that the dragon's lair is hidden deep within the Razor Ridge's rocky terrain, while others speculate that it may be hidden within the toxic pools that dot the landscape.

Flora and Fauna

  The Razor Ridge Expanse is home to a variety of savage creatures that have adapted to the harsh and inhospitable environment. Kobolds are known to dwell in the rocky outcroppings, while goblin raiding parties scour the area in search of valuable resources. The area is also home to other creatures such as trolls, minotaurs, giant scorpions, and wyverns.

Unique Landmarks

The Razor Ridge Expanse contains several unique landmarks, such as the towering spires of obsidian and the sprawling network of underground caves and tunnels. One particularly unique feature is the Glass Wastes, a vast expanse of razor-sharp, glass-like shards that reflect light in a dazzling array of colors.

One of the most unique landmarks of the Razor Ridge Expanse is a massive rock formation known as the "Dragon's Fang." This jagged formation juts out of the rocky terrain at a height of over 200 feet and resembles a fang jutting out of the earth. Local legend has it that this is a remnant of a battle between Emberflame and a powerful mage who once lived in the area. It is said that the mage summoned a powerful lightning storm that struck Emberflame, causing him to crash into the earth and create this formation. The Dragon's Fang is surrounded by a series of smaller rocks and boulders, creating a labyrinthine network of caves and tunnels. It is said that Emberflame's lair lies somewhere within this maze, and many adventurers have ventured into the caves in search of the dragon's hoard. However, none have returned, leading many to believe that the maze is either cursed or heavily guarded by the dragon's minions.
  Another unique landmark within the Razor Ridge Expanse is the "Sulphur Pools," a series of small ponds and puddles of bubbling sulphur. The pools emit a pungent odor and are extremely toxic, making them dangerous to approach. It is said that the pools are home to a number of small, fiery creatures that thrive in the harsh, acidic environment.   The most (literal) breath-taking landmark is the "Mercury Wastes," a barren stretch of rocky terrain where mercury bubbles up from the earth. The wastes are extremely dangerous, as the mercury is highly toxic and can cause madness and death to those who come into contact with it. It is said that the wastes are home to a tribe of kobolds who have adapted to the harsh environment and use the mercury to create deadly traps and weapons.

Ancient Therengian Name

  The Ancient Therengian name for the Razor Ridge Expanse is Kar'sharrak, which roughly translates to "land of razor-sharp edges." The name perfectly captures the treacherous and dangerous nature of the region.


  The Razor Ridge Expanse is subject to extreme temperatures due to its proximity to the Gemfire Mountains and the Drakweald forest. During the day, temperatures can reach scorching levels, while at night, temperatures can drop to well below freezing. The area is also prone to sudden and violent thunderstorms that can cause flash floods and landslides.


  The Razor Ridge Expanse is home to several tribes of nomadic or semi-barbaric peoples who have adapted to the harsh conditions of the region. These tribes include minotaurs, goliaths, earth genasi, aarakocra, orcs, and bugbears. These peoples are known for their fierce independence and their ability to survive in even the harshest of environments.

Natural Resources

  The Razor Ridge Expanse is rich in several natural resources, including obsidian, sulphur, mercury, and other valuable minerals. However, mining in the region is dangerous due to the razor-sharp terrain and the toxic pools that dot the landscape. Some adventurers have tried to mine these resources but have met with little success due to the area's inhospitable nature.

Despite the harsh and dangerous nature of the Razor Ridge Expanse, there are rare and valuable resources that can be found there. However, due to the high risk involved in traversing the area, few have dared to exploit these resources.

One such resource is a type of crystalline rock formation known as Razorite. This mineral is incredibly hard and durable, making it ideal for use in weapons, armor, and other tools. It is said that weapons made from Razorite are nearly indestructible and can cut through even the toughest of materials with ease.
  In addition to Razorite, there are also small deposits of exceptionally rare metals such as mithril and adamantite that can be found within the Razor Ridge Expanse. These metals are highly sought after for their strength and durability, and weapons and armor made from them are prized by warriors and adventurers alike.
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