Ferdinand Wasanthi Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Ferdinand Wasanthi

Following in the footsteps of his maternal grandfather, Marcus Westinghouse, Ferdinand Wasanthi joined theBaron's Own Militia on his 16th birthday. He served with The Linebreakers, even wearing his grandfather's armor into battle; however, he was badly wounded in 220, and retired from the service of the Baron of Therengia to return home and convalesce with his family at Summer's Garden on the Isle of Aesry Surlaenis'a.

Though he does not possess the sorcerous gift of his maternal lineage, he has inherited the ferocious warrior spirit of his grandfather, and now remains with the Wasanthi Family, serving as a pseudo Master-At-Arms for their family guards as well as the volunteer marines serving aboard their trading vessels afloat.

During the siege of Rivercrossing in 221, he was one of a handful of volunteers from Aesry to teleport into the city and assist in it's defense, once again wearing his grandfather's armor as he stood atop the city's northern gate, fighting alongside Viscount Grombrindal and King Roger Vorclaf.

During the siege, he was badly wounded a second time, and remains in a hospital in Rivercrossing, recovering from his injuries.
Current Location
Year of Birth
197 AV 25 Years old
Vibrant brown
Shoulder length, brownish-black


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