The Linebreakers Military Formation in Kermoria | World Anvil
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The Linebreakers

The Baron's 67th Cavalry, most commonly known as 'The Linebreakers', are an elite, terrifying unit of heavy cavalry and dragoon-fighters who excel at shock and awe tactics.



As a heavy cavalry unit, the 67th are one of the largest, with a total manpower of just over 1,200 souls, not including their steeds and their supply chain.


The 67th are characterized not only for their deeds on the field, but because of the unique, almost-Celestial look of their armor.  Their signature winged armor can be seen across the battlefield, and opponents facing them often surrender without much of a fight.


As a shock cavalryman, each man carries a long lance and shield into battle.  However, once stuck in, they fulfill the primary role of melee cavalry; each man carries his own weapons for that occasion, however, axes and sabres are most common.

Where cavalry are impractical, the men often fight as dismounted dragoons; many of them carry additional weapons for just this role.


Each rider is responsible for the maintenance of their own mount, and, while there are a few exotic beasts amongst them, such as cats and mammoths, the most common is a massive breed of warhorse known as a Karpathan Destrier, bred amongst the horselords of Ilithi and widely considered the largest, and fiercest, horse in Kermoria.


Each platoon, known as a 'wing', is commanded in the field by a captain, who in turn reports to a Major and, eventually, a colonel.  Though the 67th typically charge en-masse, it is not unheard of for them, or any cavalry company, to break into smaller formations to punch multiple holes into an enemy's lines at once.


As heavily armored shock cavalry, their tactics are straightforward. Charge across the field and use the weight of your weapons and your steed, in a diamond or wedge formation, to break the lines of the enemy.  For added effect, whenever possible, do this from the side or the rear, before retreating and attacking again.

Once the lines are broken, or, if the enemy is entrenched, they fulfill the role of melee-cavalry, instead focusing on charging in, getting deep within the ranks, and fighting hand-to-hand.

Eventually, a horseman is dragged from his mount.  Or, where horses can not traverse, a rider must fight on foot.  Thus, they become dragoons, who ride to battle and then dismount, forming a lethal, whirling mass of winged steel as they engage the enemy at close range.


To utilize their massive steeds, and make use of everything a cavalryman can offer, each man must be a masterful rider.  'Born in the saddle' is a term often used to describe their skills.  

They are required to be well skilled with the shield, the lance, the sabre, and well-trained in the use of their oversized, winged armor.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation
Ranks & Titles

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