Bloodshore Prison Building / Landmark in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Bloodshore Prison

Designed as the most secure facility in the world for the holding of dangerous, often insane, spellcasters, Bloodshore prison is considered escape-proof, and is nigh-impregnable from the exterior.

Purpose / Function

Purpose built to house the criminally insane, the dangerous, and any other menace to society which wielded magic, Bloodshore has never, in it's history, had a successful escape.


Over it's 340 year history, nineteen escape attempts have been recorded from within the prison; six of which ended with the inmate surrendering, and the other thirteen ended with the death of the inmate(s) in question due to scuffles with guards, falling from the great heights of the tower, or freezing to death in the waters surrounding the island.

Three attempts have been made from outside the island to break in; all three attempts were thwarted with the perpetrators killed.  It is assumed that they were not intending to release a prisoner, but to gain access to the lower floors, a warehouse containing all of the magical accoutrement the inmates carried in life, a repository of some of the most powerful, and often, dangerous, magical artifacts known in the world.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Spellhold, The Island, Throne's Rock
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank


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