Asaki Character in Ken'Ser | World Anvil
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The Boy Who Was Broken

As they traveled further south they soon found a river, rushing and dangerous. Asaki saw the newly-afraid mankind balk at his waters and laughed. He appeared before them, a young boy of no more than 10, and jumped over his waters, telling them that in order to truly live they must take risks. And the first of the travelers jumped over, he cleared the wide river with ease. The second man, emboldened by the first’s success, attempted the jump, but he did not make it, and his corpse was rushed away in the river. Asaki then told the travelers about the other part of risk, that sometimes you must fail. Mankind looked distraught, for they had already lost many to Haidar, so Asaki promised that if mankind would always take risks, he would carry their dead to his mother Sar-aya, no matter where they were placed in his waters. Mankind agreed, and so Asaki also accidentally taught them the ways of business.

Divine Domains

Trade, Grave, Trickery

Holy Books & Codes

Unto the River of Death - Holy text of origins unknown   The Leaping Fish - a thieve's guide to worshiping Asaki without winding up in his mother's arms before your time.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A leaping fish, a hand with a gold piece

Tenets of Faith

Take risks.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A boy of approximately 10 years old, his eyes dance and are the pale blue of his rivers. He is usually depicted laughing, though scars run across his entire body. His skin is as dark as his mother's.
Primary Temple: The Travelling Temple
Divine Classification
Second Deity


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