Tsuroi Settlement in Kald | World Anvil


The closest settlement anyone dares make to the Ulinta is the outpost of Tsuroi. A mere ten days walk from the Yuhkuh, the outpost hosts no more than fifty researchers, warriors, and artists.  



The bulk of the group, researchers are the reason the outpost was created in such a hazardous area, for research. People want to know things and the corrupting nature of Ovald leaves a pit in the stomach that is frightful to leave unchecked. Researchers all share ideas, attempts at understanding, and expositions. Most of the time is spent theorizing and in deep philosophical thought. When someone has a testable idea to glean some kind of information from Ovald, they gear up and go try and find out. Their occupation is solely from personal vestige in the research. The money compared the risk to one's life and sanity most would not be willing to risk.


The Wild surrounding them for weeks worth of travel is terrifying enough with Natures Dominance, but moreso with the corrupting nature of their charge's point of interest. Daily they must keep vigil for any creature or disaster that may come. Then, when the researchers get antsy and excited, they must bare them on the walk to the Yukuh and ensure their safety. It is a hired job and pays well without any questions of morals and motives. In the wild where no one can hear another scream, criminality is a distant memory obscured by constant dread and a loss of sanity.


The last of those from the outposts are artists. Musicians, painters, crafters, poets, sculptors, any sort of artist may find themselves in the outpost through wanderlust or the rumor of Elevated Art. The corruption disturbs most, a loss of self, sanity, physicality, and life. To artists seeking only to translate reality into a medium, the corruption is a kind of altering drug that produces works so chaotic that understanding is lost. Lost to the lowly, lost to the pius, lost to the powerful, lost to the sane. To the artists, the works they create the longer they stay at the outpost are on the verge of understanding the universe, a kind of research of the soul that science refuses. The researchers and the warriors invite anything to keep spirits up...


At the outpost, the primary factor of its continued existence is research. Experiments of any kind that fit the fancy of the denizens are conducted. Many have lost sight and memory of the sponsor, an old nobility seeking something like power, prestige, wealth, knowledge, it didn't really matter anymore. The only thing keeping the outpost alive is the draw for knowledge, the unrestricted research conducted there. Ethicality is but a wish as the researchers themselves lose sanity and reasoning. The biggest hope and fear is that they will get to research anything that crosses the Yuhkuh
I've been there once, never again. It felt so off, I felt like I was losing all of myself while we also became... something else more and less. I've made sure only to mention my visit when discouraged. I find mentioning it at other times spurs some kind of curiosity or obstinacy in some to go there despite my warning.
It isn't completely true that they only send researchers when the muse guides, they have a strict schedule for when they send people out. Every twelve days, a new party of five, two warriors, two researchers, and an artist, will take an expedition to the Yuhkuh. They will stay for four days before returning, no matter if they need to leave early or are on the brink of some great discovery, the warriors will make sure they don't stay late. This is to keep monitoring tools active, conduct experiments, and keep watch over the abyss.
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The darkness, it's growing... ~Lief


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Jul 13, 2023 05:21

How does food and cuisine, cooking, brewing or fermentation change? Experiments! Is it the food or the taste of the eaters and drinkers? Make bread. and bring back samples!

Jul 13, 2023 14:21

I hadn't thought about food. Probably some very inconsistent flavor profiles going on.

Kriltch, arcanities not included.