
Capital of Republic of Kexist  


The city is one with nature, having plants and animal roam and grow in the city. Gardeners and city herder are hired to keep them from going out of control, trimming the plants to keep them within their boundaries and overseeing the wildlife's populations. The plants are grown in and around the architecture, giving the city a feeling that it is alive during the day. The architecture of the city is also very organic, with many waves and rounded edges. Layers of walkways wind throughout he air, arches holding gardens and buildings waving towards the sky. Floating islands of land are chained in place with yet more curved walkways connecting the many layers rising from the floor below the ground to the skyline.   To keep the city lit at night, and for advertising, many lights are placed within the architecture and strategically placed to avoid looking obnoxious during the day. During the night the city takes on a new vibe, with colorful neon lights streaking through the layers of the city, fires depicting images of advertisements loom over nocturnal passerby's. The signs are visible during the day, but are more in tune with the natural look of the buildings and plant life around them. But during the night there is nothing natural to be seen around them, only their blazing facades against the darkness of night. The city at night feels cold, gritty, and unwelcoming. The alleys are dark and the once beautiful archways and layered walkways cast darkness below only lit by angled lines of light.  


Every species and subspecies of rela (see Creatures) find home here. Three small colonies of Vshawen live in their own districts. Dozens of royal Drakes make residence in Loth. Clans of Isynx hunt the streets of the wildlife so well kept for them. Everyone imaginable, from the smallest urchin to high ranking officials call Loth their home.  


The city's original name was Mudata, ringed city, but was renamed when the unity of the Dmgia empire and Valth Dynasty. The city was not as important before, and was only slightly successful as they were on the river that leads through the Ataker Mountains to the Aldr K-kep. It was the unity between the two empires right before their collapse that it began to truly grow. And as it became the new capital of their unified "empire" (though each nation of kexist is still its own entity) it grew in power and trade becoming the metropolis it is currently.

To Add

  • Loth was the most powerful rebellion city-state during the war. It's why the two cides used it as their battleground, whoever took it over would surely end the war in victory. (include the location in the Blood for Blood


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