Holy Temple of the One Building / Landmark in Kairothia III | World Anvil
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Holy Temple of the One

The home of the Circle of the One reside, within the Holy City.

Purpose / Function

This place serves as the home for the Circle of the One, including the Listener, and the Caretakers. It is mean to be a place where the Listener can more easily hear the voice of the One. It is on top of a hill surrounded by a city known as the "Holy City of the One"


Guarded heavily by guards, who were hand-picked by the Listener


Construction began after the Holy City was established by Ptera's descendants. Construction was completed during Ktarn's reign as Listener, where she became the first recorded Listener in a long line of Listeners. The building serves as the home of the Listener to this day, as well as a centerpiece landmark for the Holy City of the One
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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