Ktarn Character in Kairothia III | World Anvil
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Ktarn (TARN)

Ktarn the Listener Ktarn

Although there have been many Listeners in the past, she was the first Listener to be formally inducted into the position of "Listener" in the Circle of the One.

Physical Description

Special abilities

As Listener, she could communicate with the One.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Was a highly faithful to the One before becoming Listener. She began to hear the voices of the One as soon as the previous Listener had died, making her the new Listener. As Listener, she helped direct the completion of the Holy Temple of the One. With its completion, she became the first recorded Listener after a long line of unrecorded listeners. During her time as Listener, she was told by the One that it was necessary to incorporate neighboring tribes into the Faith. During her reign, she had several children. She was compelled to select another individual as the next Listener. Upon her death, the next Listener took charge


Was an apprentice carpenter up until her term began as Listener. When she became Listener, she remained Listener for life.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • First known recorded Listener besides Ptera
  • responsible for completion of Holy Temple of the One

Mental Trauma

Beginning to hear the voices of the One was disturbing. She knew it was going to happen, but it didn't prepare her for the experience.

Morality & Philosophy

Absolute faith to the One

Personality Characteristics


  • Betterment of the people
  • Spreading the Faith of the One
Divine Classification
Current Status
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Circumstances of Death
Holy City of the One
Place of Death
Holy City of the One
Yellow, Large
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white fur
Faith of the One
Aligned Organization
Known Languages


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