Holy City of the One Settlement in Kairothia III | World Anvil
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Holy City of the One

The centerpiece of Kairothian civilization. Rich with history, this city serves as the home for many Kairothians. In the middle of the great plane, the Holy Temple of the One sits perched upon a hill in the center of the city and serves as a landmark visible from far away. A river cuts through the middle of the city, supplying its citizens with fresh water and fish.


The demographic of this city is 100% Kairothian.


The city, its surrounding territory, is Governed by the Circle of The One.


The city is surrounded by stone walls, and is kept safe by guards armed with spears.

Industry & Trade

Locally grown/fished/hunted food is sold here to both citizens and also to foreigners. Foreigners also sell their exotic wares.


The outskirts of the city consists of grain and vegetable farms. The city itself is surrounded by walls, and also has walls dividing the city into several districts. A sewer system runs beneath the roads. and drains into the river downstream. Several bridges cross the river at multiple points.


Agriculture District

  Surrounded on all sides by a great plane, the outskirts of the city mainly serve as farmland.  

Temple District

  In the center of the city, the Holy Temple of the One serves as the centerpiece of the city, perched upon a hill. It was built upon a hill in order to be closer to The One. In addition, the temple district serves as a storehouse, which contains food stockpiles for famine or for giving to the needy, whether the needy live within the city, or in any affiliated tribes.  

Market District

  Where commerce takes place. Locally made food is sold here. Traders from other tribes also come here to sell their wares.  


  Where citizens live. Houses are built up against the stone walls, are made out of wood, and have thatched roofs.


There is a great food storehouse in the middle of the city.


This city was originally a small settlement, which was established by Ptera. Over time, it became city after hundreds of years of expansion and immigration.

Points of interest


Other Kairothians from the surrounding tribes sometimes come here to see the great city and indulge in its culture.


The architecture is similar to the architecture of medieval Europe, although everything is much smaller, since Kairothians are only about a meter tall.


The city sits upon a large plane with a hill in the center. A river cuts through the city, through the market district and the agriculture district.


The climate is quite warm, averaging a about 40 degrees C in the summer, and 10 degrees C in the winter.

Natural Resources

The city grows grain in the agricultural distruct surrounding the main city. Both in and around the city, fish are fished from the rivers.
Alternative Name(s)
The Holy City
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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